Chapter 10-The dance

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Casey's P.O.V

I glided down the stairs gracefully in my tight red mid thigh dress with my black heals as my parents stood at the bottom of the stairs with cameras, smiling to their hearts content. I smiled too and flicked my hair back for the cameras. I laughed as dad was trying to look like the paps desperate to get one picture of a celebrity. I made my way to the bottom of the stairs and hugged both my mom and dad. Mom took a few pictures of me and then pulled out a purple velvet box from behind her and handed it to me.

"I think your old enough to have this now sweetie", mom said.

I took the box and slowly opened it. Inside was a gold locket. I gasped at its beauty.

"Oh mom, this must have cost a fortune!", i exclaimed.

"Actually, it was mine. My grandmother gave to my mother when she was your age, my mother gave it to me when I was your age, and now i am going to give it to you", she said as a tear slid down her face.

"Oh mom, it's beautiful!!", i said an jumped into her arms, hugging her. "Thank you".

"Your welcome sweetie. Now i believe you have a dance to go to", she said.

"Oh yeah, well bye mom i live you", i said walking out the door with dad.

Emma's P.O.V

I rushed down the stairs in a hurry as my parents sat at the couch, waiting for me.

"I'm done", i said out of breath.

Mom turned around and gasped.

"Oh your beautiful", she said.

"Thank you", i said smiling as i looked down at my blue wavy dress and white flats.

Dad then got up and hugged me. I am pretty sure i heard him sniffle a bit.

"My baby's all grown up", he sobbed.

"Oh dad, man up", i said punching his shoulder.

Just then the doorbell rang.

"Oh that must be Roy", i said rushing to the door.

I opened the door and standing there was Roy holding a big bouquet of flowers. He handed them to me and smiled.

"Shall we", he said sexily putting out his arm for me to grab it.

"We shall", i said as we walked out the door.

"Have fun!!", my parents both yelled and we shut the door and made our way to the lobby.

Megan's P.O.V

I shakily made my way down stairs in my 3 inch silver heals. They were impossible to walk in but they went so well with my white dress and they were so cute. I hobbled my way into the kitchen where my parents were bickering about something. I hid behind the wall and listened.

"Liam, she's 15, nothing will happen", mom said.

"That's my point, she is only 15, something is bound to happen", dad said in a worried tone.

"Nothing will happen. She is a mature young women just like her mother", mom said soothingly.

"She is not mature, she is the complete opposite", dad said.

At this point i was getting a little angry. How could dad say i was immature? I am so mature. Then they started again.

"I am telling you Dani, Casey is bound to start trouble just like her dad", dad said.

At this moment i felt so dumb.

"Like i said Li, She is not going to ruin the dance", mom said.

I felt like i had heard enough so i shakily stepped out from my hiding place in my adorable heals.

"I'm ready!!"

Ariana's P.O.V

I sat in front of mum in my purple strapless short dress that went perfectly with my black boots as she curled my hair for the first dance if the year. I was excited about it, but at the same time i really didn't want to go.

"Perrie, your doing it all wrong", dad said watching mom do my hair.

"Like you know anything about hair", mom said gesturing towards dads quiff.

"Oh, you just got burned!", i said laughing.

Dad just sat there in complete shock. And with that came mom and mine laughs.

"I will have you know that i am excellent with hair thank you very much", dad said.

"Fine then, tomorrow you an do my hair and i will post it on twitter to see how many people like it", mom said as she finished my hair.

"Deal", dad said.

"Deal", mum replied, and then they shook in it.

What little children who raised me.

Darcey's P.O.V

I heard a cat whistle as i spun around in my aqua mid thigh very tight dress with my yellow heals in front of my full body mirror. I turned around to see dad leaning against the doorframe of my room.

"Wow...", dad said admiring me.

"Why thank you-", i began to reply but dad cut me off.

He walked past me and picked up a picture of mom that i had in my dresser.

"That is a sexy picture of your mom", he said.

"Wow dad, just wow", i said pouting. I sighed at his stupidness.

He heard me and looked at me.

"Oh and you look good too", he said.

"Oh my god", i said and walked out of my room to meet my date at the door.

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