Chapter 8- Home

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Casey's P.O.V

"Louis!!!! Get over here now!!!", my mom shouted from the living room couch.

I was doing my homework and her scream startled me.

"What do you want now!!!!", dad said as he walked out of his room and to the living room to where mom was. "Hey is that my phone!!".

Mum held the phone away from dad and put a hand on his chests as he tried to get it.

"Give it back!!", dad yelled like a kid.

"Why don't you take your phone and your ass and get out of my damn house bitch", mom said throwing the phone at dads face and stomping away.

"What the hell are you talking about El?!", dad said confused.

"I am talking about you you dirty little cheater", mom said obviously disgusted.

"Cheater?! I am not cheating!", dad said taking a step closer to mom.

"Really? Cause it seems like you like to look at this Lily girl in bikinis", she said crossing her arms.

"What?! No! Lily's my cousin!", dad said.

"Then why are you looking at her half naked?!", mom said as a tear slid down her cheek.

"El, I only have pictures of her in a bikini because she wanted to show me how much weight she has lost. Nothing more", dad said as he pulled mum into a hug. "I love you El, and you are my girl. I would never cheat on someone like you".

Mum and dad stood embraced in ecahother's arms for a minute when they started kissing. I found it a little awkward so I decided to speak up.

"Um, I think i am going to do my work upstairs".

Emma's P.O.V

I walked out of my bedroom with an empty box of cinnamon buns, while shoving one in my mouth. I walked into the living room when I saw mom and dad making out on the couch, on top of eachother. They were even making noise!!! I stood in my spot shocked at what i was witnessing. That's when mom started taking dads shirt off. I widened my eyes and screamed. I dropped the box of buns and ran to my room, mortified at what i had just seen.

*10 Minutes later*

I sat in my bed holding my legs rocking back and forth. I stared at my dresser as the events that just occurred penetrated my brain, making me gag. That's when I heard my door opening and dad walked in. He walked over and sat on the end of my bed, looking guilty and embarrassed.

"Hey Hun", he said.

I looked at him and and started to laugh at his expression.

"Next time, how about you get a ROOM!!!!!"

Megan's P.O.V

I sat in my room doing my homework when i heard screaming and then the front door slamming shut and the engine of the car starting, and crying. Curious, i opened my door and walked to the living room to see my mom at the kitchen table crying. i rushed to her side and hugged her.

"What's wrong mom?!", i said.

"Your D-dad is g-gone", she stuttered.

I stood shocked.

"What?", I said.

"Your father left", she said.

"But, he's coming back right?", i said.

"I don't think so honey", mom said as she stood up and walked to her room.

Just as if that were his Que, dad walked in the front with a bouquet of flowers and tears in his eyes.

"Where's your mom", he said.

"In the bedroom", i said.

He walked past me, hugged me, and walked into the bedroom.

I knew he wouldn't leave.

Ariana's P.O.V

Dad sat on the floor infront of mum as she did his hair while we were currently watching "The Freash Prince Of Bel-Air" starring Will Smith.

"In west philedalhiea born and raised on the playground is where i spent most of my days...", we all sang to the theme song.

"I love this show", i said.

"Me too!!", dad said in a girly tone while clapping his hands.

"Jesus Christ Zayn stop moving or i will mess up your god damn hair", mum said giving dad a light slap on his cheek.

"Okay!", he said and shut up.

I giggled at my parents.

They were so childish sometimes.

Darcey's P.O.V

I walked into my bedroom and pulled out my phone, dialling Ross's phone number. I put it up to my phone and it started ringing. After about two or three rings he picked up and i heard his Angelic voice fill my ears.


"Hi Ross, this is Darcey", i said.

"Oh yeah, your the pretty girl who kissed me on the cheek", he said.

I blushed when he called me pretty.

"Hehe yeah that's me", i said.

"Good, i was hoping you would call."


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