Chapter 13- After school

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Casey's P.O.V

I stood at my bus stop waiting for my bus to come. But i was with Elliot, because we were dating now. He was currently caressing my cheek with his thumb as he whispered complements and nice things about me into my ear. I was enjoying it if anything. As he was being all lovey dovey, i realized that we haven't had our first kiss yet, even though we only started dating today.

"Hey Elliot", i said turning his far to look at me.

"Yeah babe?", he said.

"Stay still...", i said as i sweetly placed a kiss on his lips.

After about 5 or so seconds i let go and he smiled at me.

"I think i should stay still more often", he said.

"Haha", i laughed. "Hey Elliot, stay still".

I kissed him again. Then my bus came.

"Oh, i got to go", i said pecking him on the lips and hugging him as my bus pulled up.

"Bye!!!", he shouted after me.

"See ya later alligator!!", i yelled back.

I climbed on the bus and pulled out my phone, texting Elliot.

Emma's P.O.V

I wasn't really doing anything. I wasn't eating, i wasn't watching tv, i wasn't texting, i wasn't out for a walk, i wasn't doing a thing. I felt like poop. My parents were concerned about me, mainly because i wasn't eating.

"Hey sweetie, can i come in?", i heard my dads voice.

"Yeah", i said, practically in a whisper.

I heard the door open and close and then the end of my bed dip down.

"How are you feeling?", dad said as he rubbed my back.

"Not good", i said groaning.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?", he offered.

"Sure", i said.

He then picked me up bridal style and brought me to the car.

Megan's P.O.V

I opened the back doors and the wind bit me on the face. I walked onto the field where the bleachers were. I walked over and sat down on them, taking them out and doing my homework while i waited for my mom to come pick me up.

As i was doing my work, i saw Michael and the girl he was with earlier sit down on the grass together. I then felt what i felt earlier.

I watched them sit there for about 10 minutes when i felt like i couldn't watch anymore.

Then, almost as if my body had a mind of its own, i slammed by books down and stomped over to them.

"Michael!", I said and he stood up and turned around to face me.

"Meg, what are you doing-", he said but i cut him off when i smacked my lips onto his.

I stayed like that for 10 seconds or so when i let go, finally realizing what i just did.

I backed away from him, my whole body shaking, and my heart beating fast and hard.

"Meg...", Michael said as he grabbed my hand.

I pulled it away and backed away some more.

"I have- I g-got to g-go", i said turning around and running.

"Megan!!!", i heard my name being called but i just kept running.

I reached the bleachers and grabbed my stuff just as my mom pulled up. I walked to the car and hopped in. I was still shaking like crazy.

"Hey sweetie", mom said but i didn't respond.

"Is everything ok?", mom asked me touching my hand.

"Mom, i think i still love Michael", i said shakily.

Then it really hit me.

Do i really still love him?

Ariana's P.O.V

"What did you want to talk about?", mom asked me as we drove home from school.

"Mom, you know that boy that always used to bully me?", i asked her.

"Yes, it's lance right?", she said.

"Yeah. Well at the dance i was sitting on a bench and he came out alone", i said.

"Yeah, what did he do?, mom asked.

"He said he loved me", i said.

"He said what?", mom asked.

"Mom, what do i do?!", i said as i started crying.

"Oh honey, i-i don't know...

Darcey's P.O.V

I was sitting on the bus as it drove home from school. I was playing on my phone when Ross jumped in the seat beside me.

"Hey babe", he said.

"Hey", i said kissing his cheek.

"What's wrong?", He asked.

"I can't beat this level", i said, frustrated.

"Oh, poor baby", he said. "Here i'll make it all better", he said as he grabbed my chin, forcing me to face him, and kissed me.

"All better?", he asked.

"Yeah. But I still can't beat this level".


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