Chapter 11- The Dance part 2

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Casey's P.O.V

I stood behind the DJ begging him to allow me to enhance the guests with my sick beats.

"Can I can i can i?!?!", I pleaded but he just ignored me.

I sighed and walked away after repeatedly asking him. I sulked over to a chair and sat down as a slow song came on. This just made me sulk even more.

Just as i was about to leave to go to the bathroom, i felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up to see the most gorgeous face ever. It was Elliot Briers from the Rugby team.

"Hey, your Casey Tomlinson, right?", he said in his perfect voice.

"Um, uh, y-yeah-yes yes yeah it-it is m-my name", i stuttered.

"Great, so, do you maybe want to to dance with me?", He said sounding a bit nervous.

I just nodded my head as i was currently speechless at the moment.

"Perfect, shall we?", he said holding out his hand.

I placed a shaky hand in his as he lead me to the centre of the dance floor. He let go of my hand and put both his hands on my waist, pulling me close to his rock hard chest. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck, looking into his eyes as we swayed back and forth with the music. This was the best moment in my life, not including the moment i got rid of the last principle. Good old times.

When the song was over, we disconnected our bodies from one another and stood there . Then Elliot leaned down, and kissed my cheek.

"Call me", he whispered in my ear and then placed a piece of paper in my hand.

I opened it to reveal his number. I couldn't take it anymore so i ran to the bathroom and screamed in excitement.

"Best night EVER!!!"

Emma's P.O.V

I was currently sitting beside Roy on the bleachers out side of the school because it was too loud inside. Also because i wanted to be alone with Roy. The sun was setting and the night sky couldn't be more beautiful. We said nothing, and just sat listening to the crickets in the distance. I scanned the horizon when i felt someone grab my hand. I looked over to see Roy gripping my hand and smiling. I blushed and just went with it. But man did i want to scream. He cleared his throat and i looked over t him, naturally. I got caught in his eyes as they glistened in the sunset light. He started to lean in, an i did too. We kissed, and then looked back at the horizon. Oh my god first kiss hehe!!!! This is the best dance ever.

"I'm glad you came", Roy said to me putting an arm around me.

"Me too", i replied.

He kissed me on the cheek and i leaned in his shoulder, the happiest girl in the world.

Megan's P.O.V

I sat beside Ariana as we talked about random things. We were so bored. I was about to go grab some punch when i felt two string arms pull me away to the boys washroom. I kicked and pulled but it was no use. I was yanked into the handicapped stall and sat down in the bench. Furious i looked up to see no other than Michael.

"What do you want Michael", groaned as he sat down beside me.

He grabbed my hand and tried to kiss me but i pushed him away.

"God Megan, why do you always have to turn me on like this?", he said sighing.

"Your point is?", i questioned not even caring at what he had to say.

"My point is i still love you Meg! I can't live without you, you are my everything", he said, his eyes getting glossy.

I sighed and looked at him and played with my dress.

"Michael, i just don't feel like that about you. We had our happy times together, but they're over now, I've moved on, and maybe you should too", i said before getting up and leaving.

I walked down the hall when i heard my name. I turned around to see Michael, again.

"What?!", I yelled.

"Please, just give me one more chance", he pleaded.

"Sorry", i said.

"Just let me prove to you that i am better", he said.

"No, because you are not better!", i practically screamed.

"Come on just one-", he started when i cut him off.

"Bye Michael".

Ariana's P.O.V

I sat outside on a bench fiddling with my necklace when i felt t tap in my shoulder. I turned around and saw the boy who always bullied me.

"What do you want now Lance", i sighed.

"I don't want anything. I just came to say hi", he said sitting down next to me.

"Listen, don't ruin my night", i said. "I see you forgot the crew inside".

"Well, i purposely came alone", he said.

"Why so you can get all the credit when you beat me up? i don't think so", i said getting up and starting to leave.

"Wait!! I only came out here to tell you my feelings because i have secretly loved you for the past 2 years!", he shouted after me.

I stopped dead in my tracks and my heart flickered.

Lance was in love with me?...

Darcey's P.O.V

I was currently sitting in Ross's lap as he kissed my neck. Weird, but true. We were in the middle of whatever you want to call it when I had the perfect idea.

"Hey, lets go upstairs in a hallway and have a romantic montoshe!", i shouted over the music.

"Okay let's go", Ross said and we skipped to the upstairs hallway in the school.

When we got there, i put in a nice cheesy romantic song on my phone and put it in my bra. Don't judge me.

"Shall we?", i asked.

"We shall", he answered.

We connected arms and skipped up and down the halls while doing stupid romantic things without talking. It was actually quite fun.

We were in the middle of doing a slow dance when we got caught by a teacher and sent downstairs.

"We should do that again", i said.

"Good idea", Ross said.

"How about the parking lot?", I said.

"Okay let's go", he said.

We rushed outside, and began our second amazayn romantic montoshe.

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