Chapter 9-Supper time

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Casey's P.O.V

We all sat at the table eating our spaghetti and all you could hear was our slurping and our forks hitting the glass bowls. Dad sat there glaring at mum because she had put his favorite jeans in the washer and now they were small and they had lost their color. And boy was he mad. Dad gets mad to easily. It was a very awkward silence and i forgot to turn off the tv so the show i was watching was blaring its volume in the living room. I finally had enough of the silence so i spoke up.

"Mom and i made your favorite for supper dad", i said smiling at him and mum.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Thank you Casey, it is very good", he said.

Mum just rolled her eyes and took another bite.

Mom and dad had been fighting a lot and i was getting tired of it. They wouldn't stop glaring at eachother so i stood up, put my plate in my hand, and threw it in dads face.

"May I be excused", i said and walked to my room.

The last thing i heard was dad groaning and mum laughing.

Emma's P.O.V

My whole family sat at the table gobbling down our food like pigs. We were so Hungry so mom made extra and we were eating it like there was no tommorow. Mom made a large variety of different kinds of potatos and i loved it. Dad had a beer and was occasionally taking a swig of it. Typical Irish person.

After about an hour or so we were done eating and all the food was gone but we were still hungry. So me and dad went downstairs to the freezer and grabbed 3 tubs of ice cream.

We ran upstairs, jumped in the couch, and watched movies all night long.

Megan's P.O.V

Dad and i had made turkey dinner for mum's birthday. She was now 40 years old. Man y parents were getting old. Dad was already 41!!!! Any who, where was i, oh yes.

We were all sat at the table eating our meal while telling mom what we loved most about her.

I went first.

"I love how kind you are", i said smiling at mom.

She smiled back.

Dad was next.

"I love how beautiful you are", he said blowing a kiss to her.

I awed. Even though a wanted to gag, i pretended to not mind. It was mom's birthday.

After we ate, we gathers in the living room for gifts.

I gave mom mine first.

I got her a sliver locket with a picture of our family in it.

Dad was next.

He got her a necklace, a bracket, a ring and earrings all that which were real diamond.

"Thank you so much", she said and gave us each a hug.

Ariana's P.O.V

I sat in my seat staring at mom and dad as they were whispering non stop about something to each other. Dad would whisper something then mom would look unsure. Then mom would whisper something, and dad would shake his head. I had no clue in the world what they were talking about. I took a bite or should i say sip of my soup while i also kept staring at them. I kept wondering what they would be talking about that they had to whisper to each other so i couldn't hear. They almost always never keep a secret from me. I kept the thought in my mind as i started to finish my soup before it got cold.

After i had finished my soup i sat at the table waiting for my parents to finish when they stopped whispering and looked at me without saying anything which was really starting to creep me out. Just as i was about to leave, dad spoke up.

"Ari, we have some very exciting and important news to tell you", he said. He ten looked at mum as if to tell her to tell me.

"Well don't keep me in suspense, what is it?", i said. "Are you getting me a dog? A cat? Are we moving? What??"

"No honey, none of that", dad said.

Then mom took my hand.

"Sweetie, your going to have a younger sibling", mom said.

Darcey's P.O.V

We all sat at the table while i was texting Ross non stop. Mom and dad just stared at me like i was some sort of alien. My eyes were burning but i wouldn't put the phone down. Them after 20 minutes or so, he had to leave so i set my phone down.

"Who was that?", dad said.

"Ross", i said as i began to eat.

"Alright", dad said shrugging his shoulders and staring to eat again.

"HARRY! Are you going to say anything about what we heard from the principle?", mom said in a strict tone.

"Oh, why don't you", dad said with his mouth full.

Mom muttered something under her breath and then looked at me.

"The principle called and said that you were not paying attention in class and that you were using electronics", mom said, her face getting red.

"Well, yeah, but it was boring", i said not really listening.

"That doesn't matter, you pay attention in class and you do not use electron-", She said before dad cut her off.

"Honey, relax. I will speak with her later", he said calmly. Dad looked at me and winked.

I smiled at him.

Mom huffed, and then left the table to do the dishes.

That's when my phone vibrated and i looked at the contact and it was Ross.

"Well, if you will excuse me, i am full", i said and then stood up and went to my room.


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