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Casey's P.O.V

I was texting one of my friends when i heard the front door open. Looks like dad was finally home.

"What the fuck Louis!!", i heard mom yell.

Curious, i went to go see what was wrong.

When i got there, nothing seemed wrong, then mom lifted up dads ring finger.

"Where is your wedding ring lou?,", she asked him.

He reached his hand into his pocket and pulled out his wedding band.

"I thought, maybe, you know, that we could renew our vows", he said.

"Why, Lou, would you want to that?", my mom asked him.

"Well we've been fighting a lot lately, and i just wanted you to know that i love you el, and we could even go on a second honeymoon", he said as he held moms left hand in his.

Mom pulled off her ring and placed it in dads hand.

"I would love to Lou", she said.

"We're getting remarried babe!!", dad yelled and picked Mom and twirled her around.

That was when i left.

Emma's P.O.V

The annoying sound of beeping woke me up, and the occasional sob.

I slowly opened my eyes just a crack to see what it was all about.

Around me were heart monitors and the smell of alcohol fillies my nose. I guess i was in the hospital.

I looked to my left to see my dad with a beer bottle in his hand sobbing and muttering words under his breath while occasionally taking a swig of his drink.

Assuming it would be alright, i spoke up.

"Dad?", i said.

He stopped his sobbing and lifted his head up. When he saw that i was awake, he dropped the bottle and rushed to my side.

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it with his, pressing his lips to it.

"I thought i lost you baby", he said in a shaky voice as his puffed up eyes welled with almost non-existent tears.

"I'm fine dad", i said laughing a bit.

"Where's mom?", I said.

"I don't actually know", dad said.

We talked for a while when a doctor rushed into the room, pulling my dad aside. He started whispering to my dad when dad's face turned vampire white and it looked as though he was in some other dimension.

The doctor whispered something else into my dads ear, then he fell to the ground and put his hands on his face and cried like a little child. Seeing dad like that ripped my heart out.

Then the doctor came over to me with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Miss Horan, there's something you need to know", the doctor said.

Well this can't be good...

Megan's P.O.V

I was so confused about everything. It felt like my world was being torn apart even though i had no idea why. What was i supposed to do? I didn't know. I was on my bed thinking when my phone vibrated beside me. I looked at the contact to see micheals face.

I knew what to do now.

I stuffed some pillows under my covers to make it look like i was asleep and grabbed my jacket and phone and climbed out the window. Once i was on the ground, i bolted. I ran and ran until i got to micheals house. Being his ex and all i knew where his bedroom window was so i creeped underneath it and as quietly as i could, i picked up atleast 10 or so small rocks.

I picked up the first rock and flung it at the window which resulted in a small noise. There was no response. So i flung another.

After about 5 rocks, the window opened, and there stood Michael.

"What the hell is that you Megan?", he said stunned.

"Yes", i whisper yelled.

"Well what are you doing here?", he asked.

"Just come down here". i said.

He climbed out if his second story window and shimmied down a rain pipe thingy.

When he got to the bottom, he turned towards me and i ran into his arms.

"What the...", he said.

I let go and looked into his eyes.

"Micheal, i just wants you to know that i still have feelings for you, i mean i thought i didn't but when i saw you with that slut-"

"Clara", he cut me off.

"Clara, they came back", i said.

"So what your saying is, you still love me?", He asked.

"Yea", i barely even whispered.

Then he lifted my chin so we were looking into each others eyes, and he leaned down and gently place his lips on mine.

One passionate kiss later, we laid down on the grass, and fell asleep in each others arms under the stars.

Ariana's P.O.V

I layed quietly in my bed unable to fall asleep as i listened to my mom and dad talk.

"So, if it is a boy, what do you want to name it?", mo asked dad.

"Well, i was thinking Layne could be a nice name", dad said.

"And what about a girl?", mom asked.

"Ummm, how about.... Umm, well, i don't really know acctually", dad said.

"Me either", mom replied.

There was a short pause then mom spoke up again.

"Oh, how about Grace, after your grandmother?", mom suggested.

"Beautiful", my dad said.

Then my phone started vibrating on my dresser and i got up to see who it was.

When i looked at the contact it said "uncle" Niall so i picked it up and read the text. But when i read it, my heart nearly stopped.

"Dad, mom, you should come see this", i yelled.

A moment later both my parents were in my room.

"What is it sweetie?", my mom asked.

I handed her my phone and after she read it her eyes were glossy and she ran out of the room. Then dad read it. His face went pale.

"No way...", he whispered.

Darcey's P.O.V

I ran and ran until i was so out if breath that i collapsed on the ground heaving and heaving harder and harder. I lifted my head up and look behind me to see it inches away from me. It lifted its hand just as i let out a blood curdling scream...

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH", I yelled as i say up in my bed.

Beads if sweat dropped from my forehead and onto my bed sheets.

Moments later my dad came rushing into my bedroom with only his boxers on.

"What's wrong honey?!", he said in a worried tone.

"I had a nightmare", i said.

"Oh, are you okay?", dad asked me.

"I don't know. Can you lay down with me?", i asked.

"Of corse", he said.

Then he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Go to sleep sweetie", he whispered.

"Can you sing?", I said.

"Sure", he replied. "Your hand fits in mine like its made just for me, where bed is in mind it was meant to be, and i'm joining up the fits with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me...", he sang softly.

My eyes slowly drifted closed into a deep dreamless sleep.

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