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I felt subtle pain all over my body and it was slowly increasing, the smaller part of me wanted to pretend to be asleep and wait for the pain to go away but the bigger part wanted to wake up and see of i was okayーi slowly opened my eyes, only to find that i was surrounded by pitch black darkness. What the actual hell?

I was shocked and scared but I still tried to get up to see what this place was. I tired to push myself up but only to get slammed against the floor again.

I was petrified now.

I reached out for my stomach area to see if I was bonded by anything but there was nothing. The subtle pain that I felt started to get worse and worse. It was mainly around the center of my body and by this point the pain was almost excruciating.

I started to frantically cry and scream for help, this can't be happeningーwhat did i do to deserve this?

I knew that no one was going to respond to my pleas so I gave up and just took itーno one cared if i was suffering or not, life goes on.

By now the pain was numbing and i could feel my head going lightーwas this it? Was i going to die now?

I closed my eyes thinking that i was done for it but only to hear a loud thud that caused me to involuntarily open them again.

I looked around and realized that the sudden loud thud was the sound of my ass making contact with my bedroom floorーI winced in pain but sighed in relief, it was just a dream after all.

I let out a long breath that i was holding in, feeling something roll down my cheeks and onto my sweatpants in the process;

It was a tear drop.

I reached out to wipe it away but soon discovered that i had several tear drops running down my cheeks. That realization made me cry harder.

This was how most of nights were like anyway.


"What the fuck?" I said looking at my bed and wondering why I wasn't sleeping in itーunfortunately memories of last night flashed into my brain right away making me regret waking up.

I pushed myself off the ground mumbling a series of curse words that clearly hinted towards my displeasure at the decision that I made last night, which was to cry myself to sleep in this particular position.

The day was already off to a negative start despite the fact that I didn't have school todayー at least I have up till Monday to mentally prepare myself for the immense teasing that was bound to come my way, right?

I still cant believe this was all because of that stupid poll but it is 2017 so what can I expect from people?

I glanced towards the digital clock that was placed on my bedside table and to my surprise I woke up earlier than I usually do, it was about 8 o'clock in the morning right now.

I decided to make my way downstairs since my mom was probably not up yet which meant that I can actually have my breakfast in peace. I mean don't get me wrong, I didn't hate having encounters with my mom but I just wasn't ready to answer questions about why I ignored her yesterday after I came back from school.

The awkwardness of such a conversation made shivers run down my spine. Yikes.

That's nothing compared to the scenario of her telling my dad about itーthat's just going to be a whole other level of awkward.

omegleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें