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Sorry we couldn't find someone with similar interests!

Well that's weird, I'm pretty sure we agreed to speak to each other right about now? I clicked 'New Chat' multiple times expecting a different result but I was always met with the same dreadful eight words.

You're now chatting with a random stranger, say hi!

Stranger: M

You disconnected.

Maybe he was busy? It was only 7:05 pm anyway.

Stranger: Asl

You disconnected.

"I guess I'll have to keep disconnecting till I reach him then" I muttered under my breath as I continued ending chat after chat.

Stranger: kik me

Stranger: @papinamjoon

You disconnected.

Things got pointless, boring and old too soon so I decided to engage in conversations with people who actually shared my interests while waiting for that dude to connect.

Seconds turned into minutes, minutes turned into an hour and a half and so I ended up wasting a sizable amount of time chatting with strangers in hope that the perv (I really should've asked for his name) would connect.

I then took it upon myself to close the tab, throw my laptop to the side and force myself to go to sleep. The only thing that could help me right now was to not overthink the situation.

But my mind was being a bitch and so I started to get mad about getting ditched which lead to me being mad at myself for actually getting sad because a stranger (!!) didn't want to talk to me.

Did he get bored?

Maybe that's why he was in a rush to end the conversation last time? Was I too mean? This is all my fault.

He's a stranger though so its not that deep, I shouldn't be staying up this late thinking about an actual fucking stranger on omegle.

My Sunday's were super plain and boring, they'd usually go down like this; eat, study, shit and sleep. Skip to Monday and I'm back to dreading my entire existence and wondering how great things would be if my dad had a condom on 18 years ago.

That was dark even for me but It's Monday and I'm completely done to be very honest.

How about making myself invisible? Maybe they'd forget? I know that my plan was practically impossible but it was the only plan I had.

I took my time getting dressed and running out of the house so I wouldn't have to talk to my mom and dadーjust as I was about to reach the subway station a very painful realization hit me hard. I just skipped breakfast.

I know that I might seem like I'm overreacting but food was the only thing I actually liked so I take my meals and snacks very seriously.

As I continued to run I started to internally cry whilst thinking about the warm food being boxed and put in a fridge or even worse getting thrown into a trashcan.

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