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"Yura dear, I've packed your stuff for you"


"Your trip to japan is tomorrow morning, remember?" grandma said, gleaming before she left the room to make dinner.

"Nana sure does enjoy your company" jimin said munching on his apple

"You call her nana?"

I forgot about the whole 'Trip to Japan' thing.

This is quite the fucking predicament, but I sure as hell won't be going.

Missing out on an opportunity like this might seem ridiculous to other people, but I actually had valid reasons and they were the following; First, I don't enjoy getting bullied. Second, because Jungkook, unfortunately, has a penis, he won't be able to be with me 24/7 and protect me from Jihyun. And finally, Taehyung enrolled here too late, so he couldn't get a spot on the trip. So, I don't feel safe. My bestfriend isn't coming. My friend/boyfriend/whatever the fuck he is, isn't coming. So, all in all that means no Japan for me.

I thought grandma, being a very old woman who forgets to put her teeth in occasionally, would forget. Apparently though, her disdain for me boosted her brain health and now she can't wait to get me out of her house.

I, however, am unphased. All I need to is find somewhere to stay for the next four days.

But...where could I possibly go? I have no friends other than jungkook and I'm almost broke. Prior to me moving into grandmas house I had money saved up from my part time job, but since my dear dear grandmother doesn't give me any allowance I've already spent most of it.

"So when are you coming back?" jimin asked, interrupting my train of thought.

"I'll be back in four days, but I'll go stay at mum's place again"

Which reminds me...

"What are you going to do about that military school of yours? I mean it's not like you can hide here forever." Mum would definitely flip her shit if she saw Jimin here.

"I guess I'll get a part time job and just forget about education for good" He shrugged. "Unlike you, I'm no good with books"

"Well whatever way you choose to go, I'll be there for you" i said giving him a light pat on the back.

"Thanks sis and please don't wear that thing again, it's such an eyesore" he said pointing at the cat themed sweater I was sporting.

"Remember when i asked for your opinion? Me neither"

"What, I'm doing the world a favor." He mocked. "Saving one eye at a time from your horrid taste."

Committed to the bit, he got up and saluted the imaginary civilians.

"You know jimin if i wanted a bitch, I would have bought a dog"

"Yeah but you're broke so.."

"Well you're broke-er"

"If you know how i feel then why would you say that? You put me in such an uncomfortable situation like you know I'm not happy" jimin sobbed.

I responded with deadpan expression, even though I wanted to break out into laughter. His impression was so spot on, it made me wonder how our family still thought he was straight. The closet is made of glass.

"I make a good kim kardashian impression, right? Like i have the butt and everything" jimin said lightly tapping his plump butt.

I cringed before a giggle escaped my lips.

"Why were we fighting again?" I asked trying to control my giggles.

"Because I was trying to help you make good decisions aka trying to get you to throw away that ugly ass sweater" he said, yet again insulting my choice of dressing.

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