Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.1

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Imposter in Our Mist!!

Hiyaaahh! This is our first ever story (me, Megan and Rose) and we wanted it to be different but something everyone will hopefully like. We'd appreciate your comments. So please comment and rate!! The first few chapters have been changed, so if you have read the earlier ones you might want to re read this because its very different xD!

From my sitting position on my bed, I could hear the cackles and gossiping from Venus and her puppets in the living room. Even over my stereo, which was blasting my favourite songs.

Venus and her puppets, as I call them, were constantly gossiping or inflicting humiliation on others. Me included. In a girl's boarding school, you will always find the little groups of evil, spiteful girl. Simple as. But our school was different, very different. Everyone here wasn't human. We were all supernatural. Werewolves, fairy's (no not the little 2 inches high fairies), witches and like me, vampires. We had them all and so much more. I think we even had a ghost or two floating about...quite literally.

Venus was one of those spiteful girls. I had to put up with her seeing as I shared the same dorm as her, along with one of the puppets, Elisa. The other practically lived here though; she came and went like it was her own dorm.

Just as the next song came on, someone pounded on my door, waiting only a millisecond before Venus burst through, Elisa and Desdemona trailing behind her as per usual. I rose from my bed and stared at Venus, I wanted some peace, to listen to my music and read my book alone without them disturbing me for once.

"Violet would you turn this off, it's giving me a headache," her nagging voice disrupted the bubble of peace around me. I should have realised I would never have a peaceful day with her around.

Venus frequently had her music on full blast and made sure she annoyed me in the best way possible, when my music was on, even low so that she wouldn't hear it, she picked up on it and screeched until it was off. Seeing as I valued peace and quiet I usually did as she said, unless it was a bad day.

Today was a bad day. The school holidays had begun a few weeks back, leaving me with not much to do as I didn't have anyone to visit. Today was one of those days where I wanted to get out of this hell hole, only to find that impossible. Of course they let you out, but it was impossible because of Venus. She had blocked the doorway and sniggered when I pushed my through, of course with the puppets help it was pretty much useless, even with my extra strength.

So when Venus stormed to my stereo and turned it off, I couldn't help but react. I stepped towards her, hands balled up into tight little fists, eyes glaring black instead of their usual violet. I knew my posture was tense and the three girls noticed this, they realised they had over stepped the mark. The two 'puppets' wisely stepped back out of my path but the cocky Venus didn't move, she stared right back with a steady, firm gaze. For once I didn't lower mine and Venus became frustrated by my persistence.

As the seconds ticked by, my anger grew and my eyes by now were pitch black, not the slightest trace of Violet. I think Venus noticed this because her stare faltered and she flicked a look over her shoulder at the retreating 'puppets'. She took this as a warning and with a small look at me, she left with them. But just as she was shutting the door, I saw her evil, malicious grin and the door slammed shut. I heard a lock click and my eyes snapped to the door handle, she had taken the key out of my door and locked me inside.

Without thinking I ran at the door and banged my fists against the wood, if I used all my strength I could probably splinter the wood, but that would mean replacing the door with money I needed to save. So I held back, pacing the room, thinking of a plan.

I snatched the bag that was slung across my chair and stuffed it with the usual things, books, snacks from my mini fridge besides my bed and some other odd bits I needed. With the bag on the bed ready, I paced in my room again.

I didn't have a spare key, but I could go through the window, but after looking down over the ledge at the long drop, I thought against that idea. With a desperate attempt, I picked at the lock with a hair pin, with some hope it might work.

After a few tries and a few broken hair pins, I almost gave up. Something in my told me to try one more time, I heard the click of the lock and relief swept through me. I scrabbled up for my bag and slung it over my shoulder. Venus was laughing with Elisa and Desdemona on the sofa when I stepped out of my room. Her stunned gaze sent some satisfaction through me, but it was soon replaced with anger. My path to the door faltered a few times, heading in the direction of Venus. But I told myself I was better than that. So with my gaze locked firmly on the door, I pulled my headphones out and my iPod and put on a loud song with a strong beat and made sure everything was blocked out, that way nothing would stop me from getting out of here.

I headed for the one place that offered me solitude. I had escaped here over all the years being here. Room 666 was just down the corridor but it felt a world away with its silence and peace.

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