Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.14

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Ok so this chapter took me forever to write because I had major writers block and I couldn't get what I wanted to the page but I wrote the end quickly so you could read it so I'm sorry if its rubbish!!! Please leave comments on improvement and recommendations for songs!!! I'll listen to them I promise!! I might not like them but I will listen!!!

Ok so I guess you know Norah by now! I've mentioned her for the past I don't know how many chapters! But she is an amazing, incredible, caring, understanding, brilliant...and so much more, friend in the world and of course the best sister in the entire universe!!! So please thank her for this because if it wasn't for her this chapter plus the chapters from chapter 10 I think, wouldn't have been here because she pushes me and helps me and I am sooo grateful! So PLEASE thank her!!! and read her story if you haven't already!!! It was called 'is being kidnapped by vampires a joke to you' but she's changed it to 'divided choice' so please please read hers!!!

Megan and Rose!! You guys are soooooooo amazing! Megan, with all our little fights and stuff...thanks for being my friend after all I've done! Lol you know what I mean, I hope you don't have any bruises though my scratch is STILL there!! Rose...thanks for the fruit pastilles! No I'm joking thank you for correcting my grammar and spelling and all the little details even if you do go a bit to far!! I mean I'm never gonna be as smart as you so I don't know why you bother!! But thank you Megan and Rose!! This story would never have come here, well it wouldn't have started if it wasn't for you...if it wasn't for Megan tapping against the window... well enough of my rambles!!

Cassie...Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. You understand my retardness and are always there to make me hyper and understand my taste in music... from papa roach to all the classical stuff!! You mean a lot to me for just being who you are so don't change to suit others!! You're perfect!!!

Music (kinda suits after everything I've just said! But it suits this chapter I think! Deaf Havana- Friends like these) (I now love this song! So listen to it a few times and you'll fall in love!! Or I did anyway!! Dommin- My heart, your hands) (last one!! I promise! Mine and Norah's song!! WOOOO YES ITS OUR SONG!! The lyrics fit us perfectly! But yeah listen! Boys like girls- the great escape)

Chapter 14 (Violets POV)

I don't know how long I sat there. I don't remember, I just heard the footsteps but I didn't respond to them. It felt like I kept falling into unconsciousness because the steps faded away and in the next moment a pair of concerned copper eyes gazed into mine. They seemed familiar and recognition tugged at my memory, trying to pull me from the depths of loneliness. My eyes stayed locked with the copper ones, holding my attention. Before I could distinguish where I had seen the eyes before, I either slipped back into unconsciousness or the copper eyes disappeared.

Seth's POV

I peered round the corner looking for any signs of someone lurking in the corridor. When the coast was clear I slinked into the open corridor and pressed close to the wall. The fluorescent lights seemed like spotlights just to attract attention to me. I tried not to let the paranoia take over my mind, and thought of the safest place to change. My eyes darted from side to side looking for signs of danger and a place to transform. As I reached the end of the corridor there was a little cleaning cupboard with its door slightly ajar. Flitting my eyes around out of habit and I skulked across and squeezed myself through the space. Inside was dark but my adapted eyes coped well. I could differentiate the selves where the cleaning products were stacked and the odd broom or hoover leant against the wall. Positioning myself in a crouch I let my body take its own will. It began to shiver and tremor with my heartbeat and the customary feeling as if my skin was bubbling take over me. My head flew back out of control and my arms and legs collapsed out from under me until I was spread on the floor.

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