Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.13

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Ummm.....I LOVE Norah! And ummm...Cassie!! And Megan and Rose! I love you all! Woo ok so I hope you enjoy the chapter and please vote and comment!! I love them all! Even bad ones!!

Ok so this chapter was hard to write because I had no idea what I was aiming for so I kinda slacked, so if it wasn't for my friends then this would have taken even LONGER to write! So yeah thank them! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!! Norah <3 Megan :P Rose -(] Cassie :D love you all !!!!!

If there's ANY songs you recommend to listen to I promise I will. I LOVE them all so leave a comment please!

Music (I got this off Norah's playlist and recognised it and I LOVE it so please listen, it may be a bit dramatic for this chapter but its still amazing!!! Thank you Norah!) (again another song I recognised from Norah's playlist! I love two steps from hell now more than ever)

Chapter 13

When I stepped into the room I slammed the door and leaned heavily against it for support. My breathing had become shallow and fast, it took all my will not to break down there. I slid down the door and brought my knees to my chest. My head fell forward onto my knees and I sat there for 5 minutes trying to calm my breathing.

What had come over me? Why was I acting like this?

I shook my head and looked up. I had unconsciously gone into room 666, now Blaises room. I had forgotten the mess we made; it was spread over every surface. As my eyes trailed across the carpet and I spotted the blood splat. The images flashed in my mind of Blaise. Blaises eyes when he smelt the blood. Blaise when he tried to get Noodles. And the look he gave me when I stopped him. A shudder passed through me at the memory and I hoped Noodles was ok. The look of loathing in his eyes made me shrink away from the memories and I hoped I would never see that look again. But I couldn't stop my eyes following the trail of blood where Noodles had escaped and in the kitchen by the fridge the blood had spilt over the door.

I needed to clean this up but I also needed to forget about all this and forget Blaise. That was safest. Before I could change my mind I swept into the bedroom and threw some clothes into a carry bag which I had retrieved from under the bed. I hastily threw in some toiletries and everything else I needed. I didn't want to stop and remember. In my haste I nearly ripped the zip off when doing it up. My hands were shaking and my breathing was coming faster again. I sat down on the edge of the bed and regained myself while thinking of Narita and the sleepover. I wasn't going to think of Blaise and Venus.

But it came and I couldn't stop the image forming. Venus's eyes as they taunted me. I fell back onto the bed and lay there staring at the ceiling but not really seeing it I was seeing the everything that had happened today replay itself like a film roll.

Meeting Blaise...nearly kissing...showing him my secrets...him showing me his...the blood...the fight...

I curled up on my side and wrapped my arms around my knees. I lay there remembering but not wanting to. Before today my life had been organized. It was far from prefect and sometimes I wished I had a different life but it was organized and I knew what was gonna happen to a certain point. But now I didn't know what was going to happen in the next minute, whether I would break down again or if Blaise would appear and confuse me all over again.

After lying there for a few minutes waiting for the images to pass and my breathing to settle to its usual rhythm, I sat back up slowly not wanting to trigger another round of pain. I turned to the wardrobe and unconsciously threw in some random clothes. Still in my trance I zipped up the bag and slung it over my shoulder. As I stepped out of the room and began walking to the living area, I realised that if I saw the mess then I would surely remember more unwanted images.

Imposter in Our MidstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora