Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.24

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Hey, chapter 24! LOTS of Blaise and Finn in this so it should make you all happy xD!

Just some recommendations for you guys to read! I know you can't copy and paste but you might want to write this in or you could search Vicky_nfs all of her stuff is amazing. Her story and her poems xD! again type in akanksha07 all her stuff is so fun to read and really catchy! Please read both of these are amazing people!

Ok the song is by Florence and the machine. I don't know what to think about her music, cuz some of them are boring and the same but there are a few that are amazing like kiss with a fist and cosmic love. But this one is called heavy in your arms. And yes its on the eclipse soundtrack xD!

Chapter 24- Blaises POV:

Venus. The constant stream of thoughts in my mind, were Venus' not mine. That much I knew. The ever present control was stronger than ever recently, it seemed the more time I spent with Venus and the more power she had over me.

My hand lifted to stroke the side of Venus's face. Inside I cringed at the idea of her controlling my movements. I wanted to snatch my hand away, to escape from her clutches. But I was pinned here with Venus cuddled in my side. But just as I felt the pull of Venus's control, there was a knock at the door. We were in dorm 666 and it brought memories of Violet and I in here for what felt like years ago.

I untangled myself from Venus and walked towards the door, grateful for the distraction. Venus's hand encircled my wrist, stopping me from stepping further. I looked down with curious eyes, wondering why she wasn't letting me go answer the door.

"Let me get it," was her only reply. I felt trapped. She wouldn't let me go far without her, just like a mother wouldn't let her child out of sight. It frustrated more than anything, I wished she would be distracted for a moment so I could sneak out like I had before.

She released my wrist and pulled herself up and sauntered to the door. I had snuck out 2 nights ago, to meet Violet. The grief and sorrow I felt for the death of my brother occasionally crept up on me without warning. I think it was because of Venus messing with my head that sometimes the grief faded and I could carry on normally, sometimes I was grateful for that, others I wished I could feel the grief because it reminded me of Phoenix and made me feel normal.

I heard Venus mumbling something to the person at the door and the replying voice made my head snap up. That was my brother's voice. Finn's voice. I leapt up off the sofa and stormed towards the door, eager to see my younger brother. When Venus heard me approaching she turned her head towards me and then quickly tried to make up some excuse for not letting Finn in.

Finn's foot between the door stopped Venus from shutting the door completely and I wrapped my hand around the door, using my full strength to stop her. Venus stared up at me with a stunned expression.

"But baby, he's interrupting our time together," her sickly sweet voice made my stomach churn. Instead of trying to shove the door closed she turned to me and stroked my arm, using her other hand to trail up my chest. I turned my head away from her, sick at the sight of her.

"Blaise," Finn spoke from the door, half in, half out. I stepped away from Venus and turned to Finn.

I felt the pull, the urge to do what my mind had not told me to do. Venus was using her 'gift' again. When I wanted to step towards the door, to Finn, my foot moved backwards, towards Venus. The confusion on Finn's face only made my determination stronger but I knew I wasn't going anywhere if Venus decided she wanted me to herself. So I turned towards Venus, her smug and arrogant smile on her face thinking she had succeeded in controlling me. But I just looked into her eyes, regretted in when I felt the urge stronger but fought against it all the more.

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