Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.15

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Ter Hi, how long has it been? 19 days? I suppose I should have uploaded sooner but I'm thinking of a way to move the story along without it being awkward and stupid...but bear with me.

As usual I want to thank Norah for being very very supportive. She's amazing and I just don't know how I'd write this without her seriously I honestly don't think I'd still be writing without her. Everyday she's there pushing me and helping me. She's amazing at everything! Shes the best friend/sister anyone could ask for!! I don't think you realise how much you mean to me...ok now it sounds soppy and I hate soppy but you are an incredible friend!!

Wattpad is amazing! I've made sooo many friends on here!! All around the world which is amazing! So I'd like to shout out to those Wattpad friends...Sammy, thank you for all the info about America and the amazing convos we have!! Aquaria, my new friend on here, she writes a very mysterious story and again is such a good friend, thank you for the amazing convos!! Annnddd my other American friend who I know though another friend on here- bailey!! I know we don't talk much but you are a friend to me XD!!

Ok I'll shut up now so you can read but before I do seeing as you cant copy and paste no more [stupid wattpad- one of the only things I hate about it] I'm just gonna say please please please check out a band called 100 monkeys!! You seriously won't regret it!! They're amazing...just type in google 100 monkeys and on their web page is a link to listen to they're songs!! I've used sleeping giants for this chapter because its one of my faves XD!! So please check them out and tell me what ya think!!

Chapter 15: Naritas POV

The nurse wouldn't let us in the room while they healed Violet. But that didn't stop me feeling the surges of pain as they shot through my bones and seeped into my veins- pumping the pain through me. All the pain was linked to Violet like an invisible rope where the pain ran through to me.

Suddenly an excruciating pain charged me unlike the other ones which seemed feeble and pathetic after this one. I realised they must have fixed her rib because the pain turned to aching and it slowly ebbed away leaving a small throbbing behind. In exhaustion I feel back against Seth, sitting there slumped backwards he threw a glance at me and wrapped a sturdy arm round my weak shoulders, pulling me closer and into his natural warmth. But the warmth wasn't comfortable because a nagging sensation tugged at me, though I couldn't grasp why.

But with a sudden jolt causing Seth to unconsciously pull me even closer, probably thinking the suddenness was from Violet, but it was because I realised what had made me was the look in Seth's eyes as he pulled me into him. The look of agony, an invisible torture, not a physical pain like Violet was experiencing now but an emotional torture. This new thought made me unconsciously aware of the times he had cringed when I had whimper in violets pain.He was hurting because Violet was hurting or maybe me? NO defiantly Violet. I couldn't be thinking things like that especially when Violet needed us, how selfish could I be?

My thoughts trailed off into distant fantasies but a part, a constant part of my mind was worrying about Violet- it was natural and I'd grown to accept it. that pat of my brain registered the feelings and emotions of Violet but it also held the tiny details I should know about her.

But as that side dulled the fantasies pulled me into what could only be unconsciousness and my personal dream land because Seth starred as my main concern instead of Violet. She was there which I didn't mind- I needed her in a way even in my dreams. But it was like she was only illuminated by the spotlight which was trained on Seth, like she was caught in it at the very edge making it known she was there.

The dream wasn't detailed- just Seth, Seth and me. But these dreams didn't make any sense to me. I didn't want to dwell on the reasons and focused more o the details, taking in his perfections and imperfections which made him perfect to me.

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