Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.16

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OK hi! I hope you like this chapter! I love the first bit which is rare of me to like my own writing but yeah I hope you like!!

Please vote and comment and enjoy! Oh and recommend music! Please.....I need more stuff! Thank you to all those new fans especially akanksha07 for all your comments and well making me smile and laugh! This is for you!

Norah...thank you for being there and being my friend you know how much I love ya XD!

The song btw is from new moon but I LOVE it so yeah! Listen and read please! XD

Ok onto the chapter.............

Chapter 16: Violets POV

He stepped forward allowing the light to illuminate his features with perfect clarity, his beauty didn't fail to send the shivers running along my spine and sending pulses through my what-should-have-been-beating heart. In a way he made me feel...not quite human, but sense human feelings, thoughts, everything a human has and every vampire doesn't. My heart, it seemed to beat in my imagination. My constant thirst seemed to fade or at least it was replaced with a hunger for him, maybe it was lust but to me it seemed more, something deeper.

He smiled in my direction and I couldn't help the butterflies which fluttered helplessly inside my stomach, they're wings colliding with the confines of my stomach. This human feeling seemed alien to me, a forgotten feeling. As I battled with trying to restrain the butterflies and contain them in my stomach instead of letting them spread through my entire body, he took a cautious step towards me. His eyes were blazing red, entrancing me. Locking his eyes with mine he lowered his gaze causing me to drop willingly to my knees. He was suddenly an arms reach away but his eyes held me hostage with their crushing control. Without warning a cry of pain ruptured from within my chest, making my back arc in pain, all the time my eyes were locked with his.

With a jolt, I realised that he was doing this to me. He had this dominance over me and I was powerless. Even as I fell forward onto my hands, I couldn't escape the control he had over me, so the pain continued. There was no escaping and I knew it, so I allowed the pain to wash over me- taking over my bones, my mind, my dead heart. A flicker of resistance pushed at me to battle on, to wrestle with his influence. I had to fight, to look him straight in the eye- past his eye, into his soul.

I had to reach Blaises soul.

A drumming noise beat out my fear and realisation. It pulled me from the depths of my dreams- or nightmares and pulled me into reality. The drumming noise was coming from my alarm clock which was sitting beside me on my bedside table. With a groan of annoyance I turned off the repetitive beeping and dropped my head in my hands. I processed my dream and went over all the details.

Maybe it was a sign? I laughed without humour at the stupid thought and threw back the covers and padded over to my wardrobe trying to push the dream/nightmare from my mind. But every now and then it crept back filling my mind with fear and panic.

But I made myself think of the present and what I had to do. I had to grab some clothes, I had to get washed and dressed, I had to gather all my stuff for class and then I had to brave the first day back to class! It shouldn't be so hard, but the fact that Blaise might be in my class sent fear and a nauseating feeling to my stomach but also hope and desire pulsed among my many mixed up emotions. Also the many annoying girls who usually aggravated me would be gossiping about him as he was 1) the new guy and 2) he was exactly that- a GUY! So I expected more torture than usual.

Taking out some black skinnies and a plain white long sleeved t-shirt to keep it smart but casual, which was one of the only uniform rules here. I grabbed a blue jacket to complete it and pinned the emblem we were expected to wear to represent our...species so to say. For me and the other vampires it was a cross with the ends shaped like wings curving back round to protect the heart which was nested at the bottom of the cross. It was made of platinum and was beautifully detailed to an extent it seemed fragile.

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