Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.10

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Ok so I'm sorry that this took so long to write but I hope you enjoy it!!! Please vote and comment!!! They are really appreciated!!!

Ok a serious bit now!!! I would love to dedicate this chapter to 2 people

Drum roll please!!!

ItsJustMeReally (or Norah!) she is an amazing person! She's soooooo funny and nice and she has the funniest conversations with me!!! She has voted and commented on every one of our stories and I love her for it!!! (She even voted for the character pictures!!) Thank you soooooo much!!!

The second is to another amazing person! Sammy- xoxsammy2t9xox we also have amazing convos and we talk about great books! (trueblood and vampire academy!!!)

Thank you to both of you!!!!!!

Ok on to the story!! Thank you to the people who answered the poll (and if you didn't then can you please answer this week's one!!)

Music (my favourite bit)

- (misguided ghosts by Paramore! I love this song you may want to keep replaying it because is beautiful!)

- (shinedown- sound of madness! The total opposite of misguided ghosts!)

Chapter 10 (yay double figures!!!)Violets P.O.V


My heart, dead as it was, seemed to actually drop as I watched Blaise step in front of me blocking my only path, which was only metres away. I clutched Noodles harder to my chest as if it a would stop a creature as dark as the one in front of me now.

Keep calm!

That was the most important thing right now! Keep calm and breathe evenly.

Any sudden movement would surely trigger Blaises senses. If only I could think of a plan that would allow Noodles to escape without harm. But I needed a distraction and the only one I could think of was using me as a distraction.

But how? Vampire blood does not attract other vampires! Something for our own protection. So Blaise wasn't interested in me in that sense, he probably only cared that I was holding a blood drenched animal (a delicious blood drenched animal to him).

I locked eyes with Blaise and soon regretted it. they were blood red and hungry. I gulped but I couldn't find the will to look away. Something deep within my shook. Shook out of fear and I'd only ever felt that once before. I didn't want to dwell on the similarities of the scene in front of me and the memory which caused me to shake with fear.

I couldn't stop the images which flashed in my mind. They appeared for only a few seconds before the next one tainted my memory.

The images which had me cringing to escape their power.

The images which had haunted me for the past 2 years seeped into my mind without my permission but I made sure that I didn't show my weakness because the still Blaise would surely react to my movement.

I looked around using only my eyes and realised the mess we had made only moments ago. It seemed a lifetime ago. A dream. And now I was back to reality where vampires and other dark creatures roamed this land without the knowledge of the humans. I remembered when I was younger and the bliss of ignorance. I lived a peaceful life of not knowing about the creatures which may have passed me in street. Now I was part of that life which was unknown and secretive. From the corner of my eye I saw Blaise inch towards me and I spun to face him automatically crouching in a defensive motion, fangs out. I hissed to show Blaise that Noodles was my territory but Blaise was too determined and hungry to care what I was doing. His eyes were locked on Noodles and as he took another inch forward, my defensive side itched to lunge at Noodles and I almost did but I managed to control myself.

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