Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.2

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I closed the door behind me and leaned against the wood, sinking to the floor and letting my bag drop besides me. With my eyes closed and breathing in the scents of the room, I felt calmer just being here. To me this was my home.

I heaved myself up and headed to the bedrooms at the back. This whole dorm was empty; I had found it in my first year. I came in here most of the time, sometimes sleeping here, though I couldn't stay here permanently as knowing Venus, she would snitch and the teachers would be forced to move me back.

Heading for the bathroom, I leaned against the sink and stared at my reflection, yes I have a reflection; it was just a myth that vampires can't be seen in mirrors. I sighed at the sight and closed my eyes, breathing in deep, calming breaths. My eyes were still black, the violet was just beginning to seep back in. When I re opened my eyes, they were more or less back to normal, just a ring of black around the edge.

I rinsed my face off and grabbed for the towel to pat my face dry. I pushed away from the counter and came face first with a wall. No not a wall, a chest and after some thought, a male chest. It was too muscular to be a girl and unless the girl was very flat chested, then it left only a male. But a male in an all girl's boarding school just didn't happen. For many reasons.

My mind must have been working slowly, because when I had spun around and collided with this guy, I had fell from under my feet, but the guy had automatically caught me. The close contact of this random stranger was weird and awkward and I hurriedly got to my feet, fixing myself at the same time.

"Who the hell are you?!" my words came out a bit more sharply than I intended, but for the life of me or lack of, I couldn't be bothered to apologise.

"I'm sorry, I think I have the wrong room, I should....I should go," he spun on his heel and I watched as he walked away from me, down the corridor. I found myself following him as he walked to the door. There were bags on the floor and my confusion only deepened when he just walked out, picking them up, without another word.

I only stared at the door, as if expecting him to come back in and explain the whole situation. But he didn't and I found myself thinking about him. His eyes had caught my attention first. The brightness had caught me off guard and now they seemed imprinted in my mind. the stood out from his face, the vivid blue, it reminded me of when my parents had taken me to the beach when I was a kid, before all this had happened and ruined our family for good.

His lip was pierced and his eyebrow too, his hair was black, black as night. His vivid blue eyes, his shockingly black hair both contrasted with his creamy, pale skin. The effect was stunning but mysterious. Maybe it was how little he had talked, but there was something that shook me and kept me guessing.

I realised I had been staring at the door, unblinking for at least 5 minutes, so I returned to the dorm rooms, focusing my thoughts on everyday things rather than on the mystery dude. I picked up my guitar I left in here, partly because Venus would destroy it if she found out about it and partly because I liked to play and sing alone. I had only sung in front of 1 person before. And that was my mom.

Absent-mindly plucking at the strings in a familiar pattern, I sung along quite naturally. Of course, it was just my luck that I felt that prickly feeling on the back of my neck when someone was watching you and I spun around so fast to stare at the mystery guy.

Mystery Guy POV:

I had obviously walked into the wrong room, but it clearly said 666 and this was where I had been directed to come. Before I decided to go down to the front desk to ask why there was some girl in my room, I heard a soft, melodic voice drift down from where I had just come from. She was singing. After some more listening I realised she was playing the guitar as well. So she was talented.

I couldn't help but follow the sounds until I came to a stop outside the door, it was slightly ajar and when I pushed it open, it didn't make a noise so the girl didn't see me there. She was facing the window and the view was amazing. But her voice echoed around the room, I kept staring and I saw her stiffen and stop playing and singing. She must have realised someone was watching her. She spun around so fast that she was a blur and again her beauty hit me.

Her unusual violet eyes had me entrapped and her flame hair framed her petite, pretty face.

"How long have you been standing there?" she demanded. Her voice sent shivers along my spine, I smiled at her. She was embarrassed, that was obvious. Despite her being a vampire, her cheeks blushed and her gaze fell down into her lap.

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