Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.23

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Hey, please enjoy, vote and comment xD!

Thank you Norah and Vicky!

Vicky thank you soooo much for the pictures, everyone, please say thank you to Vicky!! They mean so much to me and you are seriously too kind!! Thank you xD!

Chapter 23- Violets POV:

Classes had been cancelled so I was free to spend time with Narita, Seth and Elisa. I tried to find Finn and ask if he wanted to meet them, but when I searched for him, he was no where to be found. Neither were Venus and Blaise.

In a way I was grateful, I still wasn't ready to face them, wasn't ready to see the smug smile and smart comments from Venus, and the hazy look on Blaises face. It was easy to see the influence Venus had over Blaise from the outside, though not many were, most people were controlled by Venus. I still hadn't figured out why I wasn't under her control, even Narita had to fight the influence. But by now, Venus ignored her and didn't try any more. Narita was such a big part in my life, she meant everything to me. She kept my anchored on Earth, to the present, to what was real.

She taught me laughter and fun, happiness and friendship. She was the closest friend I had ever had, even Elisa, who I told practically everything to, wasn't as important as Narita. Of course, Elisa meant so much to me, seeing as I had very few friends, but Narita was the one who I didn't hesitate to talk to, the one who knew me inside and out and was still my friend for it. I wanted to talk to her about Blaise, about the confusion it built inside of me. But I didn't want to burden her with this trouble; I know I said I would tell her anything. But how can I tell her this, when I don't know myself. I should tell her, I need to tell her everything, maybe she could help.

But first, I had a meeting. It was weird saying something like that, my life had never been important enough to hold plans and for people to want to meet with me. But here I was, strolling through the trees; the sun was setting, casting an orange glow over everything. The heat was warm, but because the sun was setting, it didn't affect me. When I closed my eyes, the warmth and then light bathed my eyelids. The ground beneath my feet crunched and squelched when my foot pressed against the Earth. The light breeze whisked my hair in front of my eyes, pushing it behind my ears; I let it twirl the ends of my hair around my shoulders. The earthy smell swirled around me, the wood form the trees, the rain from 2 days ago, the smell of nature. This small bit of peace was all I asked for, it was why I came out here. It was home to me, as much as home could be.

I followed the familiar path, the path I had walked frequently, so frequently that there was a worn out path. It ended at the small open space, filled with small, wild flowers and trees encircled the open area. You could hear the little stream that was deeper into the woods; I had followed the sound once. I had found a little stream, twisting its way through the forest, between the rocks. I had followed it as far as I could, but it seemed to stretch on forever, I occasionally walked along, listening to its tinkling sounds, sometimes paddling my feet in the cool waters and letting the pebbles wash over my feet. It was always a tranquil moment.

I walked to the centre of the space and sat crossed legged. I turned my head towards the sky, which was rapidly darkening and followed the clouds as they drifted peacefully across the sky. I rolled my head forward after a while so my neck wouldn't be stiff and picked at the daisies around me. I decided to make a daisy chain, gently picking one out and threading another through a small hole, it made my mind have something to concentrate on, so I didn't hear Finn's arrival.

I was busy making the last finishing touches with my daisy chain, that when Finn crept up behind me I had no idea he was there, even as he knelt behind me. But when he poked my sides, I dropped the daisy chain in my lap and yelped in surprise. I was very, very ticklish. My automatic reaction is to scream and kick something I have always done when someone tickles me. My mom always used to tickle me when I was younger, and I wasn't sad to remember, because it was a happy memory, and the thought of my mom at a happy moment brought a smile to my lips.

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