Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.21

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Ok hey! Chapter and enjoy and I hope you comment and vote!

Thank you to my friends loads who ii have met on all know how much you mean to me xD

Hope you like the song :P

Norah <3

Aquaria <3

Vicky <3

Akansha <3

Cass <3

Megan <3

Rose <3

Lisa <3

Chapter 21- Violets POV

After last night, all my promises to myself had been broken. There was no point denying them now, not when we had come this close to kissing. When Venus had interrupted I felt like stomping out to her and punching her in her face, but that wouldn't achieve anything. But Blaise had left a sweet kiss on my forehead which meant just as much because it was filled with love and tenderness.


Had I just said love? No, it wasn't love. We didn't know each other, love was impossible. We couldn't love each other could we? As I asked these perplexing questions I felt the presence of Bob once more, sitting inside my chest, clawing away. I smiled at the thought of him.

"It's been awhile," I directed my words inside my head towards Bob. I felt him rumble at my words making me smile all the more. I blocked out Bob and his persistent clawing and focused on the book in front of me, but no matter how hard I concentrated one the words sprawled across the pages, my mind kept replaying the scene with me and Blaise.

With an exasperated sigh, I closed my book and set it on my bedside table. I pulled my jacket form off the hook and decided to take a walk because I knew I wasn't going to be able to sleep with this on my mind, but my plans were stumped when I walked straight into Elisa and her raised hand where she was going to knock.

"Elisa," my eyes flew open at the sight of her after 2 days, nearly 3 now. Without thinking, I enveloped Elisa in a hug, squeezing the life from her; I had been so worried about her.

"Where have you been," I demanded once I had stepped back and let her breathe again.

"That's what I came to talk to you about, do you mind if we go somewhere more private?" her words were barely above a whisper and occasionally she would look down the corridor as if expecting someone to jump out and scream 'boo'. But no one did so we both walked to the lift, while I asked questions to where she had been but her reply was always, 'I'll tell you once we're somewhere private, I promise."

Her words scared me for some reason and I couldn't stop looking over my shoulder like Elisa did as if expecting to see someone staring at us from behind a plant or someone leaning closer to us as if trying to hear our conversation. But I mean no one was so I should stop being so paranoid, think about something else.

But all other thoughts weren't any better, they were either about Venus' threat or Blaise under Venus' control or just Blaise, the only bad thing about that was that it took over all coherent thought and drifted me from reality into fantasy. Somehow I didn't think that this was the best of times for that. So I trained my eyes on the buttons across from me while in the elevator and then on the carpet once we were out of it. but knowing me I ended up stumbling a little and stared straight in front of me instead from then one with me mind buzzing with thoughts just trying to wiggle there way to front stage.

But before I could go insane with battling against my thoughts, Elisa pulled me by the sleeve into a dark room which was empty. The shadows around the room seemed to move and twitch when we came in, making me all the more paranoid. In one corner a shadow seemed darker than the others and seemed to move, there was something over there. It was small and slight and I watched it as it darted from the room down the corridor and out of sight. My breathing was ragged from the fright and I turned towards the light switch to hopefully calm my nerves which were at the moment jumping around like crazy, screaming at me to run from this room and escape to my room.

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