Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.20

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Ok hey again...I'm not gonna go on...just enjoy! xD!! ooo and the dress over there --> is violets for the ball

Chapter 20: Narita's POV

Walking into my dorm I was hit with the smell of tuna and warm bread. A knowing smile turned the corners of my lips up and I dumped my bags from the shopping trip on the sofa by the fire but being extra careful with the one with my dress in it. I knew I was being over cautious but the dress was so special I was dreading if something happened to it.

Violet had popped upstairs to drop off her bags and she said she would be down in a moment. So I followed the delicious smell to the kitchen where Seth's back was busily working over 3 baguettes.

"You're cooking?" I asked in disbelieve. Seth wasn't known to cook much and when he did let's just say it was inedible. We either ordered a take away or picked it up from outside the school or I cooked but to be honest I wasn't a great cook. I had found out that Violet was a really good cook so she sometimes cooked for the 3 of us and we watched a movie after.

Seth glanced over his shoulder and his usual sweet, warm smile was playing on his lips, knocking the breath from me and leaving me speechless. But since I had admitted to having feelings for Seth the feelings came stronger, paralysing me momentarily. As he turned his attention back to the baguettes he spoke with a cheeriness that was infectious and welcome to my ears because my body responded to it automatically now.

"Yeah, I thought I'd give Violet a break," he always thought of others and never acted selfishly. It was one of the things I loved about him, among many other amazing personal traits. I sucked in a deep breath and marched towards Seth with such determination that Violet would be proud of.

My next actions I may regret, but before I could chicken out like I always did I grasped Seth's shoulders and spun him to face me. I saw the stunned look in his eyes but as I clutched the top of each of his arms I saw realisation sweep across his eyes like clouds drifting across the sky and letting the sun shine through, letting understanding seep through and with that understanding and realisation came lust and we both met half way with me tugging Seth to me with his shirt. As our lips met my eyes automatically closed and I let the explosion of heat and passion within me to consume all rational thought and action.

I felt Seth's arms wrap around my waist, drawing me closer to him. With my hands in his silky pale blonde and rich brown hair, Seth twisted us both so I was leaning against the counter and Seth was pressing into me, making a slight throbbing pain build where the counter was digging into me. But as our kiss deepened even more the pain was shrouded in passion.

After a few moments though the pain rushed back and I couldn't help but protest against Seth's fiery mouth.

"What's wrong?" his voice was hoarse and filled with lust that it sent shivers of want rippling down my spine and into my veins where it pumped into my heart making my whole body alight with lust and a hunger.

A hunger for Seth.

Was this how Violet felt when she thirsted for blood? But my thoughts didn't linger on Violet instead they were drawn towards Seth and how his mouth was trailing along my neck and jaw line.

"It's just...just the's...its digging into me," it was hard to get the words out when my throat was clouded with need for Seth. But before I could explain anymore Seth's arms wrapped around me and lifted me up on the counter.

I'd hardly touched the surface of the counter before Seth's lips were back on mine and sending the familiar shivers along my spine and heat radiating within my body. I wrapped my legs around his waist and his kisses trailed down to my neck, each kiss lingering against my skin with such passion it seemed to burn my skin. All rational thought was gone so I didn't register Violet and how she was meant to come back any moment.

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