Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.12

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Hi, I'm sorry for the LONG updates but I'm moving house and it's a bit hectic! That is the honest truth and I'm sorry! I'm not sure when I'll next update so again I'm sorry!

Ok so I'm sure LOADS of you reading this story will have read a story called 'is being kidnapped by vampires some sort of joke to you' because it is that good! But if you haven't I seriously recommend you read it!

Norah you are the greatest, bestest best friend and sister ever to live on this earth and I love you so much!!!!!! Thank you for everything you've done! I hope you like this chapter and that I've done Narita justice! And made her as wonderful as you are!!!

Music: [papa roach- had enough. I'm obsessed with this song its amazing] [again another amazing song from papa roach- forever. LOVE THIS!!!] [placebo- running up that hill. Such an inspirational song!]

ok onto the chapter! Hope you love it!

Chapter 12- Violets POV

"I recognise you" the words escaped my mouth before I could process them through my head. But I did recognise the boy; there was something about him which seemed familiar. The name pulled at the edges of my conscience but it wouldn't surface and it annoyed me that I couldn't put a name to the face. But his features were so unusual that I couldn't have known this face or I would have been able to name this stranger. But that was the point he didn't seem like a stranger and neither did this girl.

My eyes flickered from the short, petite girl to the unusual guy. His eyes were a misty blue and as I looked into them I felt the tug of familiarity. I'd seen those eyes before. I knew I had but I couldn't think where. I realised I was still staring and looked down at my feet, feeling the blush creep up on my cheeks. But I had seen his face and his hair was a dusty blonde which was dyed charcoal on the ends. It was an unusual hairstyle but it suited him, but again even his hair was familiar. But where had I seen it before? was grating my mind trying to remember where I'd seen him before... no I can't remember. Instead of probing my mind and dwelling on the slight spark of recognition, I focused on the slight girl standing next to him.

She was pretty, extremely pretty. There was an angelic quality about her, something warm and glowing. Just looking into her warm, soft chocolate eyes I felt happy and as crazy as this sounds- I trusted her immediately. Her smile was sincere and welcoming, and I couldn't help but smile a genuine smile back, a smile I hadn't smiled in years, not since my mom passed away. Her eyes twinkled with friendly mischievousness and those eyes were framed perfectly in thick, long lashes. The moonlight sparkled on her black short, spiky hair, which seemed to glisten like a crows feathers. She was short and petite but it suited her in a way that screamed cute.

The girl seemed hesitant but she smiled timidly and held her hand out in a welcoming gesture, " name is Narita and this is Seth." when I shook her hand and let go she gestured to the boy next to her...Seth. Her voice chimed in the cool, silent night air like a wind chime. Even her voice is angelic!

I nodded in Seth's direction before holding my hand out for him to shake. As he grasped my hand, his was warm but not sticky, even in this cool night air he was only wearing a t-shirt.



As I withdrew there was a silence which wasn't nervous or uncomfortable, even though I was standing with two strangers. Narita kept smiling; I could tell she was a bubbly, bright person who would cheer you up at the sight of her. I kept my gaze down so I didn't notice when Narita stepped forward and hugged me. No jokes, she just walked up and hugged me. But her warm was too irresistible to ignore and I found myself hugging her back, and I felt a tear escape my eye from when I had held them in back when Blaise had tried to kill me.

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