Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.22

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Ok this is kinda crap but its long :S hope you like it though and there's some guy action xD!!

Chapter 22- Violets POV

I was right. The teacher announced that we were all gathering in the hall, the very large, very luxurious hall. It was in the main building so I saw some of the other class's crossing over from the outer buildings. The seats were raised half way to allow the back half to see. The chairs were all a deep red and folded down, luckily they were cushioned so my butt wouldn't fall asleep when the assemblies were long. The stage was raised and very large where we held performances and shows, the stairs leading off were behind the lavish deep red, velvet drapes.

There were already a few classes in the hall and we took our seats with Elisa next to me. All around me groups of friends were leaning towards each other, bubbling with excitement, chatting about the arrival of the boys.

"You looking forward to them coming?" Elisa's voice was barely audible over the noise of the anticipated girls.

"I think it should be fun," my answer was technically answering her question but I saw the realisation dawn in her eyes. I mean this should be fun, I certainly needed some fun. But I wasn't bursting with eagerness to meet loads of boys, boys who would be flirting non stop with the girls who would enjoy every ounce of their attention. This was a down side to being in a girl's school, when a boy came they went a bit wild, same for the boys I suppose.

"Well, we could always make it fun," Elisa stared straight ahead with a mischievous grin on her face. She was up to something and I could practically hear her plan forming in her mind.

I smirked at the idea of having some fun and messing about. "What's your plan?"

"Well...boys will be throwing themselves on you," I blushed at her comment.

"And you," I mean Elisa was pretty, with her wavy chocolate hair, which was at the moment tied back into a pony tail. Put with her lazy, grey blue eyes, she was very attractive and I knew the boys would be flirting with her.

"Exactly...they will be flirting with us, so why cant we have some fun and use that as an advantage to us," I didn't fully understand where she was going with this.

" what exactly?" she didn't reply straight away but her smirk grew and she was still faced towards the front, making it hard for me to see her expression.

When she finally replied, it didn't clear my confusion much, just made more questions. "We tease them."

Before answering, I thought about what she could mean. I came up blank, so I turned to face her with my eyebrows bunched together in obvious confusion.

"What the hell are you talking about? Stop being cryptic, you know I hate it," sometimes I knew I was cryptic but I hated it when someone else was, very hypocritical of me, but it was true.

"Well think about it," she turned towards me as well so we could talk properly. "Boys like to flirt with us, and if it's a hot guy, they expect us to fall to our knees," we looked at each other with wide eyes at the last bit and burst out laughing.

"Hey, not all of us fall to our knees. Though some do," I looked over my shoulder and saw Venus sitting by Blaise, she was leaning on him and was holding his arm around her shoulders, and even from here it looked desperate. Or maybe that was jut because I was jealous.

Ok I wasn't jealous. Well maybe a little, but not jealous enough to scowl at Venus. Ok so maybe I am because at the moment I'm scowling at her. Ok snap out of it.

"Yeah not all of us would drop to our knees, even if the guy is undeniably hot."

"You like Blaise?" I questioned, I told the bitter feeling to calm down, and this was my friend. And Blaise was hot, who wouldn't like him?

Imposter in Our MidstOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora