Imposter in Our Midst!! ch.25

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                             I have a problem, I couldn't choose between the songs I wanted to put on this chapter, so I'm going to put up one song and I would love it if you listened to an amazing band called flyleaf because I was listening to them constantly while writing well as the song in the box xD!!

So yeah, I hope you like this chapter....some of you might be disappointed though or angry...xD!

I miss you Norah and I can't wait till you get here...I hope you like this chapter especially xD!

Chapter 25- Violets POV

Thoughts were darting through my mind so fast that I couldn't catch them; they were just a jumble of words or pictures thrown together. Blaise had vanished, we assumed he had buckled under Venus's power and either he'd gone to her, or she had gone to him. I hated thinking of her having full control over him now, there would be no more moments when he would realise who he was, those times when he would come find me. Those precious moments.

My feelings for him were still as confusing as they always had been and some how this didn't seem to clear any of my confusion. They say when you lose something that you finally realise what you've missed, but nothing became clear to me.

At times like these, I used to wish I had a friend to turn to. Now I did, I had Narita and Elisa. Right now I needed to see Narita, to spill all my feelings and confusions about everything, for her to understand and to have her comfort and friendship. Elisa was still eyeing Finn; in such a cautious way that it seemed she didn't trust Finn anymore than she trusted Venus. But I trusted Finn and I wasn't going to doubt his company any time soon.

"I'm going to go see Narita, I need to speak to her," when I saw Finn look up from his position and Elisa turn to me, beginning, I'm sure, to ask to come with me. I added, "Alone."

I needed time with Narita, to tell her everything. I saw hesitation in Elisa eyes. She didn't want to leave me alone; she acted as a kind of body guard. Finn had stood up and I felt a tug on my lips, he cared and the thought was sweet.

"I'll be fine," I reassured them. "I'll meet you later ok?" I hoped to meet Finn in our little peaceful haven, and I would see Elisa when I got back to the dorm.

"Shouldn't we go looking for Blaise?" Finn's words stumped me. We should, but there was nothing we could do and I doubt we would even get to him without Venus blocking us. I couldn't look in Finn's eyes, they were so desperate. I realised how this would seem to him, he had lost one brother, Phoenix and now to him, this would seem like losing Blaise.

"Finn I'm so sorry, but there's nothing we can do, the best thing to do right now is to see how this pans out. I know it sounds hard, and I really do hate it as much as you but...trying to fight Venus is just going to hurt him and he will see you as an enemy, he's so attached to Venus now," the truth hurt but it was something you had to deal with. I wondered why I had become so strong. Before I would have fluttered about and maybe marched to Venus's room, but my mind in some respects had become clearer, just in others, it had become so muddled.

"I feel so helpless, it's so frustrating," he slammed his fist into the wall besides us and I flinched from the noise. He hung his head and doubled over, only the wall kept him up. Seeing someone in so much agony and being so helpless was heart-rending. I reached out to comfort him and hesitated, sometimes comfort and touch were the worst things in this kind of situation and as I wondered whether I should or not, my hand in mid air, Finn turned to the wall, resting his head and hands against it.

My fingers inched forward and they rested lightly on his shoulder. I closed the space between us and leaned my head against his other shoulder. His shoulders were tense and rigid but with my touch, they loosened slightly, his head hung between his shoulders dipped ever so slightly more. It seemed he had admitted defeat and I wound a comforting arm around his waist.

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