What Are These Feelings?

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Jack's POV

When I woke up, I was in the guest bed. I could've sworn I was just on the couch. Mark must've moved me in here. I checked the time to see it was about three o'clock in the afternoon. I got up and went towards the kitchen rubbing my eyes and walking sluggishly.

"Hey Jack! You're finally up. Enjoy your nap?" My eyes met a wet Mark in a T-shirt and some sweat pants. I tried my best to resist looking at the shirt sticking to his chest. "Mark w-why are you all wet?" I stumbled between words still trying to focus on his face.

"Ah, Matt and Ryan thought it'd be funny to pull a little prank and pour a bucket of water on me. So. Is it funny?" He raised an eyebrow and smiled waiting for an answer. Without thought I felt my self just go towards him about to pull him into a kiss. I immediately stopped myself and he backed away.

"Woah. Uh...you ok?" My face started to burn. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out. "I...uh...s-sorry..." I walked back into the guest room and shut the door behind me. I slid my back down the door and buried my face in my hands thinking of what just happened.

"Gah! Why did I do that! What made me do that??" I muttered to myself, hitting myself on my forehead. "I don't like him like that. I don't!" Then again my dream from my nap told a whole other story. We did unspeakable things in that dream and it made me shiver, but in a good way.

Mark's POV

Wait. What just happened?? Did Jack just try to kiss me?? Nah m-maybe he was just...trying to keep from falling forward. He did still look pretty drowsy, and it probably only looked like he was going to kiss me. Maybe.

I tried to forget about it, but it always found its way back to my mind. I knocked on his door to check up on him. "Hey Jack? You alright?" There was a pause before I got a response. "U-uh yea I'm-I'm fine." He opened the door and looked up at me, then looked down.

Wow. He hasn't even been here a full day and things are already getting pretty awkward. "Hey, it's ok I know it was an accident. You were just...trying to hold yourself up. I know the hype to get here must've kept you up the whole flight." At least I hope this was the reason.

He looked at me almost in disagreement. "Y-yea, still a little drowsy I guess." He rubbed his arm and tugged at his wristbands. Then he walked past me and went in the kitchen. Realising I was still in my wet shirt, I started getting cold from the air hitting it. I took it off and rubbed some of the water off my arms and chest.

Jack's POV

I almost couldn't keep up this act anymore. I didn't realise I had such feelings for Mark. I always saw us as just friends. But now, I don't know. I was in the kitchen grabbing a cup of water when I turned and saw that Mark had taken his shirt off. I stared so hard that I completely forgot to drink my water. My face was so hot it was unbearable.

"Holy...fuck." I said to myself. He must've heard me because he turned and said, "Huh?" When he said that I dropped my water and snapped back to reality. "Aw come on, what'd the floor ever do to you?" He said smiling, trying so subside the awkwardness.

I laughed a little also trying to keep from being awkward. He picked up the cup and put it on the counter. "Don't worry I'll clean it for you." He suggested. "No, no I was being clumsy. I'll get it." I didn't want him cleaning up a mess I made. That would only make me feel guilty.

I walked to the laundry room and saw Matt and Ryan. I hadn't talked to them since they got here. "Hey guys!"

"Hey Jack!" I hugged em both and talked for a few minutes before I continued to go and clean the floor.

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