To the Rescue

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Jack's POV

Lying in the bed still sobbing quietly, I'd fallen asleep in my own tears. I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. I jumped at the sudden noise. "Rise and shine, newbie. You ready to learn how things work around here?"

A guard asked as he opened the door. I sat up and backed up against the wall. "Hey now. Ain't no reason to be scared. Just do what you're told and you'll be fine. And trust me, you'll start to love it here." He laughed.

"There's no way I'll ever even like it here. I want to go home." I said, annoyed by his words. He started walking towards me. I was afraid that I'd gotten myself in trouble.

"Boy, you have no idea. We've brought many other handsome fellas like you here, and now their almost at the same level as the boss." He said smiling. "Now come on. No more time for chit chat." He said waiting for me.

I didn't dare move. Whatever this was, I wanted no part in it. "I ain't gonna tell ya again, boy. Get up." He warned me, reaching for his gun. I swear everybody had one. Slowly I rose. He smiled at me.

I tried to keep from making eye contact. I felt uncomfortable about him walking behind me. I tried to ignore it as we walked into this wierd purple lit room. There were...strippers??

"Heyyy Mikeyyy. Ooh! Who's this little fella?" One of the strippers said ruffling my hair. She sounded like she was from New York. Also, not only were there female strippers, but male ones as well.

"This is our little specialty the boss ordered." Mike said laughing again. Fucking clown. "Aaah, so this is the lucky boy who's in for a good one huh?" She said slurring her words out. A good one? The hell does that mean?

"What's she talking about?" I asked Mike. He just smirked and glanced at her. Then he kept walking. I caught up with him and followed. We exited the purple room into a smaller, casually lit room.

A tall, muscular man stood upon us. He smiled widely as he saw us walk in. A few other men at the same body tone were with him. "Travis, my man. Ready to ram up this newbie?" My heart dropped after he said that.

I quickly understood what was going on now. Was this some kind chamber?! Filled with strippers, and sex slaves, and dominants. Now they were pairing me up with a dominant.

"Oh hell yeah. Newbies are the best to fuck around with. Especially when their this tiny!" He said, picking up my rather light body. "Hey!!! Put me down!!!" I demanded, hitting the top of his head.

"Ow! Bitch!" He yelled, dropping me. I grunted at the impact. "You shouldn't have done that you little runt." He said angrily. Afraid of the larger man's next move, I went for the door.

I ran as fast as I could through all the people. "Hey where ya goiiin? I know you guys didn't fuck for that short of a tiiime." She said as I ran bye. "YOU FUCKIN.....GET BACK HERE!!!!" Travis yelled as he ran after me.

As expected, he soon caught up with me. He grabbed my arm and I yelped. "Ah! Please, please!! I don't want to, I don't want to!!" I pleaded in tears. "You know, newbie? I truly was gonna go easy on ya. But now, oh-ho you're in for it now."

I was scared out of my mind. He picked me up and held me over his shoulder. I yelled out as I repeatedly hit his back. Out of pure desperation, I cried out to Mark. "Mark please!! Please help me, pleaasse!!"

Mark's POV

We'd been searching for at least 3 hours now. "God...Dammit!!" I shouted, frustrated that we still hadn't found Jack. I held my fist up to my face and cried. "C'mon Mark don't cry. We'll find him." Matt said trying to comfort me.

"No Matt we're not!! It's been three fucking hours and we still haven't-" I pounded my fist onto the ground and it made a metallic sound. I looked up at Matt and Ryan. I knocked on the ground once more to make sure I wasn't crazy.

Surely enough, it made the same sound as before. I grew excited and looked at the others again. "See Mark? Told ya we'd find it!" Matt said. I immediately tried opening the large metal door. To my surprise, it was unlocked.

I peeked inside before going in. "Woah...what is this place?" I asked myself. Carefully, we all walked in. It was bigger than I expected. We kept walking until we opened the door to this long hallway.

It held cell doors with a person in each one. "Oh god. What are they doing to these people?" Ryan asked, looking around. They whispered around us.

'Who is this?'

'I've never seen them before.'

'Where is their guard?'

They all spoke in unison. I was a little creeped out by it. I tried not to listen to them as we walked by. We made it to another door, but we heard talking from the inside. "Probably shouldn't go in there." I suggested.

Matt and Ryan nodded in agreement. Before we could keep going, I heard screaming. "Mark please!! Please help me, pleaasse!!" I heard. It had to be him. "Jack?! Jack hold on I'm coming!!!" I said running towards the direction of his voice.

Still in pain, I held on to my side. We passed through this purple room. Long enough to be called a hallway. We were stopped by this stripper girl. "Woah, woah, woah. Where do you two thing you're goin and where is your gaurd?"

I had no time to answer her questions. I pushed her out of the way and we kept going.

Jack's POV

He took me to a regular bedroom area with basically, everything you'd find in one. He threw me onto the bed and attacked me with his lips. It was awful. Every time I pushed him off, he'd pull me back in.

He held my wrists together and reached into the drawer next to us. He took out a pair of handcuffs and cuffed me to the headboard. "God no, please no!!" I yelled out. "Shut up!!! You annoying bitch!!" He slapped me.

I tightened my eyes shut and cried out. He ripped my shirt open and licked up and down my chest. It was the most uncomfortable feeling in the world. He swiftly took off my pants and boxers and positioned himself between my legs.

I squirmed and begged as much as I possibly could, but nothing could stop this rape from happening.

Mark's POV

As we kept running we found yet another hallway. This time filled with regular doors. Noises came from each one of them, but I listened precisely for Jack. "Here!! This has to be the one!!" Ryan pointed out.

Trying to open the specific door, it was locked. Out of absolute anger, I kicked the doorknob and broke the lock. The door swung open. I was shocked at what I saw right in front of me.

The man on top of Jack jumped at our sudden appearance. I walked over to him and punched him dead in his face and he fell to the floor. I looked down to see Jack crying, hiding his face in his arm.

I took the key off the dresser to unlock the cuffs on his wrists. I hugged him tightly and began to cry with him. "Jack...I'm so, so sorry we couldn't get here sooner..." I said into his shoulder.

He responded with more tears. I picked him up and turned towards the door. We quickly made our way out of there as fast as we could.

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