Up For The Challenge

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Jack's POV

I never had so many negative thoughts run through my mind. I tried hard to stop crying as he spoke to me. "You know how much I love you. No matter how much those few people may not like us, I'll be here for you. Forever and always." I tried putting on a smile, but it quickly faded back to a frown as I looked back down.

"Yeah Jack. If I know Mark, he's one of the most caring people I know. He keeps his word, just trust him." Matt said trying to help me understand. I finally smiled at Matt, and then Mark. "Thank you guys, I don't know what I'd do without you." I hugged Mark tightly, and he hugged back.

"Come on over here Matt. Hey Ry! You too!" Mark said as Ryan was merely listening to the whole conversation. We all had a group hug and separated. "So you guys up for movie night later on at the theatre?" Ryan suggested. We all agreed.

Time lapse cuz yeah...movies :P

Mark's POV

After the movie ended I decided to take a picture of me and Jack. The others in the background cheesing like little idiots. I posted it on Twitter and said 'Movie night was awesome! Glad this little goofball was here to have fun with us.' I posted it and comments came rushing in.


'Awww they went on a date!'

'Matt and Ryan are totally third wheels XD'

I smiled at how excited our fans were, even though we never actually told them about us. But I came across one comment that made me stop smiling. It was so full of unnecessary hate. Jack noticed that I stopped smiling. "Hey what's up baby?" He tried looking over at my phone, but I put it away before he did.

"Oh it's nothin, just thinking of stuff." He looked concerned and confused. Then he leaned over and hugged me. "Hey just remember what you told me. But this time...no matter what, I'll be there for you." He smiled and pecked me on the lips. I opened the door for him on the passengers side of the car and he got in.

"Hurry up slow pokes!" I yelled as I was getting in the car as well. "Hey! We just wanna give you love birds some space!" Ryan yelled back. Jack and I both laghed as they made there way.

Time lapse cuz come on...it's a car ride.

Jack's POV

We all hopped out the car and went back inside the house. It was like 10:00 and I wasn't ready to sleep yet. Seemed like no one else was either. "I see everyone's still wide awake. How's about we play a game?" Matt asked as Ryan immediately had an idea. "I vote truth or dare!!!" (A/N Yea it's cliché deal wit it)

I looked at Mark and smiled as I shrugged my shoulders. "Alright truth or dare it is! Who's going first? Ry?" Mark asked. "Sure I'll go! And I choose dare!" Mark put an evil smirk on his face. Then he got up and walked off. "Maarrk? What're you up to?" I asked.

He just smiled. "Nooothin." He came back hiding whatever he was holding. He sat down and pulled out the item. "Ry. I dare you...to deep throat this dildo." My eyes grew wide as well did Ryan's and Matt's. Not to mention that the dildo was massive.

I could tell He quickly regretted his decision. "You're serious??" he said as he took it from him. Mark folded his arms and nodded his head. Matt sat silent still in shock. I hit Mark on his arm. "You're so evil!" I whispered slightly laughing. "You'll thank me for the show later." He whispered back winking at me.

We turned back to Ryan to see him slowly taking in the tip of it. He went further and further down. I glanced over at Mark and saw him biting his lip. I grinned and looked back at Ryan. He had it halfway in. Matt had his hands over his face.

By the time he went all the way, he bobbed up and down twice and stopped. He coughed from his gag reflex. "THERE I'M...DONE...NO IM DONE..." He said still coughing. We all laughed. "Alright Mark, truth or dare?" He said irritatedly. "Hmm...Dare! Just try me..." He answered confidently.

Mark's POV

I was ready for whatever he was gonna pitch at me, up until the point he actually said it. "Ok Mark...I dare you...to reach in Jack's pants and give him a hand job while kissing him." Jack and I were more shocked than ever. I looked over at him to see how red his face was.

He looked back at me speechless. Matt was pretty much through with us. He looked at Ryan as if he were crazy. Without anymore hesitation I leaned in and began kissing Jack. I reached my hand down between his legs. I began to Palm him gently. He flinched and moaned a little as he grabbed my shirt with one hand.

He let out a soft moan as I unzipped his pants for better entrance. I reached into his boxers and pumped him slowly. He held my shirt even tighter. I couldn't see, but I knew Matt and Ryan were shocked out of their minds. "Um...uh...M-Mark you can s-stop now..." Ryan said. "Uh-yeah..." Matt agreed.

But I didn't listen. I pumped him faster, and he moaned loud into my mouth. "Ahh...M-Mark..." He moaned. I knew he was getting close so I stopped. He whimpered at the loss. The others on the other hand, sat there with their mouths and eyes wide open. Jack panted heavily and looked a little upset for not letting him finish. I just sat back with a triumphant grin on my face.



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