Breaking and Entering

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Mark's POV

I got up and walked over to Matt's door. Jack and Ryan were wondering about what I was going to do. I raised a finger up to my lips and mouthed 'shh'. I put my ear against the door to listen.

Hearing nothing but silence, I opened the door slowly. He was in bed with a pillow over his head. Must've fell asleep that way. "He's sleep you guys." About to close the door, Jack called to me.

"Hey Mark! Dare you to fuck with him in his sleep!" He whispered, loud enough for me to hear. Ryan laughed. I scoffed and smiled. "Nah, he has to earn this D." I said presenting myself sexily.

They laughed even harder as I went to join them again. "Oh shit." I said before I sat down. "What's wrong?" Jack asked concerned. "I completely forgot. You have to leave tomorrow!" He gasped and his eyes widened.

"Shit, I do! I've got nothing packed and certainly am not going anywhere anytime soon!" He worried, running his hand through his hair. "Is there...any way you can reschedule?" Ryan asked. He thought for a moment.

"I'm not sure. I probably have no choice in this state." He laughed. "Yeah, besides, rescheduling isn't such a bad idea. I'd love to spend more time with my little Sean." I said, holding my hand up to his cheek.

He held his hand over mine. "Same for you Markimoo." He smiled. We started to hear snoring. Ryan had fallen asleep. We both laughed. "Guess we should be off too." I said getting back up.

"Here." I leaned down and picked him up bridal style. He lied his head on my shoulder. "Sleepin with me tonight?" I asked him. "Mhm!" He agreed. I set him down on my bed and turned off the lamp next to him.

"You're not gonna get Ryan to go to his room too?" He asked. "He'll wake up eventually to do that himself." He laughed as I got into the bed with him. "Goodnight, Sean." I said to him. "Nighty night." He replied. And with that, we both drifted off to sleep.

Jack's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, not in bed. Far from the bed actually. I was right outside of the front door. A cold breeze hit me as I stood up, wincing in pain from earlier. I had on clothes, but I don't remember wearing anything.

I looked around, still a little confused about my surroundings. I walked back inside as the door was still open. When I did, I heard a noise in the kitchen. "Hello?" I called out. "Mark is that you? This isn't funny."

I grew more afraid at the silence. I stepped back from the kitchen entrence. "Mark?! I think there's someone in-" I shouted to him, but was cut off by a hand over my mouth. "Not so fast green boy." I heard someone say.

I shifted my eyes to the right to see a gun pointed to my head. The guy started laughing. Another guy came out from behind the kitchen counter. Desperate for escape, I elbowed the guy behind me in his stomach.

I ran towards Mark's room limping a little when, instead, I ran into him. "Woah, Jack? Where have you been? I was looking for-" He stopped when he saw the two strangers. I held on to his arm tightly in fear.

Mark's POV

"Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house. What are you trying to do to Jack." I said sternly. I didn't know who any of these people were, but they sure as hell better step off. One of them smiled.

"Jack huh? What a cute name. Mind if we take him with us? Boss will be very happy." He said. He took him by the arm and I immediately tried to stop him. "One more step and I'll blow his pretty little brains out."

He held him at gun point with the other arm around his throat. "Let him go!" I said angrily. He started laughing. I wanted to know what the fuck was so funny. "Nah, don't wanna. Besides, he would've been gone already if our other partner hadn't chickened out."

I was even angrier at that. The fact that they would have taken him already. I then went for him again, trying to fight the man off of him. The other tried prying me off. Once I got Jack loose, I pushed him out of the way.

The man accidentally pulled the trigger of his gun. "Ah! Fuck!" I shouted, falling to the ground holding my side. "Mark!" Jack yelled reaching for me. "Get your ass back down!!" The man yelled back. He flinched and did as told.

Jack's POV

I couldn't believe he shot him. If I was brave enough I'd show em who's boss. But instead I sat there and coward in fear. I saw Matt and Ryan running our way. "Mark? Jack? What the fuck is-" Matt started, but was quickly shut up.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP AND GET DOWN!" The man yelled. They both got down on their knees, hands over their heads. "Now that's more like it." He said smiling. I began to cry being unable to do anything else.

"Will you stop with that fuckin cryin?!" He said annoyed. "DID YOU HEAR ME, BOY!? I SAID SHUT UP!!" I quickly stopped and looked up at him. He looked back at the others, Mark still bleeding out from the gun shot.

"It's a God damn shame we gotta do all this. You're all doin this to yourselves, you know that right? All we wanted was the green haired one." He said, messing up my hair. Mark forced himself to stand up as he winced in pain.

I thought he was crazy for doing so, as the man pointed his gun at him again. "The fuck do you think you're doin?" He asked, not pleased by his actions. "You're not...taking him...I won't...let you..." He said in between breaths.

The man just laughed and walked towards him. "And who's gonna stop us?" He said pushing Mark's forehead back, making him grab onto the wall for support as he was still weak. He slid onto the floor unable to hold himself up anymore.

"Mark..." I said, tears still filling my eyes. The man stepped in front of me. "Don't worry you're little boyfriend will be fine. I'm sure these other two will call the damn hospital or something." He said looking their way.

"But if you say anything about us, that'll be the last thing you'll gossip about." He said with with a serious face. He walked back over to me and grabbed my arm. "Ah! No, please!" I begged knowing it wouldn't do any good.

The other man made sure that Matt and Ryan didn't stop him. Once we were out the door, he followed. I was pushed into the backseat of their car. The other man sat with me to make sure I didn't run away.

He kept staring at me weirdly. I tried looking away as much as much as possible. I felt his hand rub against my leg and I quickly pushed it away. "Don't like bein touched huh? Sure ain't seem that way when we found ya nude with Mr. Dead-by-now."

He laughed and I blushed at the fact that he found me that way. "Don't you fuckin call him that." I said irritated. He didn't like my attitude very much. "Watch your tongue, pretty boy. Or you're gonna get in big trouble with the boss." He said sternly.

I looked at him confusedly. Who was this 'boss' anyway? Were they ones to tell them to do this? Whoever he or she was, I automatically hated them for it. It was because of them that Mark could be gone by now. I could forgive no one for that.

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