The Vault

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Mark's POV

I wanted so badly to go after him, but I was too weak to even move anymore. Ryan got up to make sure they were no longer present. "Shit, Mark don't worry. Th-the first aid kit should be around here somewhere." Matt said.

"Here." Ryan said tossing the kit to Matt. "Ok...try and sit up a little for me." He requested. I sat up squinting my eyes in pain, still holding onto the wound. I moved my hand and he helped lift my arms.

He took my shirt off so that he had access to it. "Alright, now this is going to sting a little, so brace yourself." He warned me. He dabbed an alcohol covered cloth on the wound. I yelped at the sudden burning sensation.

He pulled out a small needle and string. "Fuck. Ry you know how to stitch?" He asked him. Ryan nodded and took over. The stitching was the most painful. I could hardly keep myself conscious.

The bullet exited through my back, so it didn't need to be removed from my body. Once he finished, he grabbed a roll of bandages. He wrapped it around my stomach. "There, all done." He said.

I wanted to thank them, but I was still too weak to even speak. I'd lost a lot of blood already and my vision was blurry. But now that I'd been treated, I tried my best to shake it off. I got myself up slowly and carefully.

"Wait, Mark. I don't think you should be going anywhere like this. I know Jack needs our help, but you're in no state to be getting in trouble with those guys again." Matt said, concerned of my health.

"Yeah let us go with you, you can't protect yourself on your own." Ryan added. " want to do this...on my own...I'll be...I'll be fine..." I said, stumbling a little bit. "Mark you can barely hold yourself up, just let us help you." He requested.

Knowing he was right, I just gave in and agreed. "Ah shit. We don't know where they took him." Matt realized. They looked around to see if they could find a clue of where they went. "Hey look!" Ryan said, picking up a small piece of paper and unfolding it.

"One of them must've dropped this. It says 'Get the green headed one, at *street address*. Bring him back to the vault in the woods.' " He read aloud. "A vault in the woods? That's gonna be hard as shit to find!" Matt said.

I didn't care how long it was going to take. I just wanted to find Jack and make those fuckers pay. Without a word, I turned and went straight for the car. We had no time to sit here and chat. We needed to find this vault now.

"Mark where are you going? You're not driving and we don't even know where this thing is." Matt said, trying to stop me. "We know it's in the woods...don't we...? So come on...let's start searching..." I said still leaving.

They agreed and went with me. Ryan drove us into the woods and we began our search.

Jack's POV

We were in the woods now. I didn't know why we were here or where we were gonna go from here. "What is this? Why are we in the middle of the woods?" I asked, looking at the man next to me.

"You'll see, boy. No need to be impatient." He said, still smiling at me. It still sickened me. We stopped and they both got out. "Out." The other man said, opening my door. I got out and looked around me.

I saw no building or other people. I was starting to get confused. One of the men kneeled down and took out a key from his pocket. He unlocked some kind of door in the ground and opened it. "After you." He said.

I looked at him suspiciouly. I carefully walked down the steps into the vault-like area. It was huge from the inside and that might even be an understatement. The man shoved me forward.

"Walk faster, we got no time to admire shit." He spat. Keeping my mouth shut, I just rolled my eyes and did as told. We made our way to a hallway of jail-like cells. The people locked in them whispered around me.

'Oh no, not again.'

'They've gotten another one.'

'I'm so sorry they're doing this to you.'

'Sick freaks.'

These whispers were almost unable to be sounded out, being all said at once. They all stared at me through the small square spaces at the top of the doors. I felt uneasy about all of it. "Ah!" I shouted.

A woman popped up from the small area of her door. Her face was bruised up and her nose drew blood. "Please help me!! I can't stay here any longer, please, please help me!!!" Still startled by her actions and appearance I just stood there.

One of the men confronted her. "SHUT UP, BITCH AND GET BACK!!!" He yelled at her, banging on the door. She backed away and cried loudly. I stood back in fear. He turned around and looked at me.

"Sorry about that. That's how dumbasses like her get into trouble." He said frustratedly. I didn't say anything. I was a little shaky as we continued to walk. We finally made it to the room they wanted me in.

"Boss, we've got what you wanted." One of them said, laughing a bit. The 'boss' turned around in his chair to look at me. It was a large, very muscular man dressed more casually than I expected.

"Ah, very well you two. I've been trying to get my hands on this one for quite a while now." He said grinning at me. I didn't know why he'd been trying to kidnap me, nor did I want to. "Take him away." He said to them.

They grabbed me by my arms and did as told. I was taken to my own cell and they threw me inside. I stumbled trying to keep my balance. They closed the door behind me and locked it. It was cold and there was a single bed.

I went back to look out the small space. After taking care of me, they'd went and took someone else out of their cell. "No please! I don't want to go, please!!!" The guy pleaded. He looked almost my age.

I wanted to know where they were taking him, but at the same time I didn't. What could they be doing to us to have us this terrified? Whatever it was, I didn't want to be a part of it. I swallowed the lump in my throat and backed up towards the bed.

I lied down and curled into a ball. I looked longingly at the door. "Mark...wherever you are...I hope your ok..." I whispered to myself, tears beginning to fill my eyes. "Please save me..."

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