Chapter 3: When It All Happens (Riley's POV)

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RING RING RING buzzed my alarm clock at 6:00 a.m. I yawned and got out of bed. I heard the door slam downstairs. I quickly ran downstairs.

"Emily wait! Are you taking the car?! How will I get to dance?!"

"It's called walking sis"

"It's 20 blocks away!! It'll take forever to get there!"

"Too bad sis, you snooze you loose." She slammed the door behind her.

"UGH!" I grabbed my phone.


J-Sup Riles?

R-I need a ride to practice, pretty please drive me?

J-Sure I'll pick you up in half an hour

R-Thanks! :)

J-No prob ;)

Let's see, 30 minutes. I took 5 minutes to get changed, 5 minutes to do my hair, 10 minutes to wash my face, brush my teeth and do my makeup, and 10 minutes to eat breakfast and get my stuff.

BEEP BEEP. I looked out the window and saw James' car.. I grabbed my bag and locked the door behind me.

"Hey James thanks for picking me up" I said while getting into the car.

"No problem" he smiled. I'm glad things are back to normal. We stayed silent during the whole ride there. Then we finally got to the studio.

"After you" James said while opening the car door for me.

"Why thank you" I smiled. I took his hand and got up out of the car. We kept our hands laced together until we got inside.

"So when's your last day?" I said sadly as we walked into the studio.

"A week from today"

"Oh" I was really upset that he was leaving..he has to stay. We all started stretching until.....

"What's that noise?" Michelle said. Suddenly all the walls started crumbling into giant pieces of brick.

"What's happening!?" I yelled. A strong wind blew threw the studio. All the walls were gone!! On the other side was what looked like a giant bottomless hole, almost like a portal! What is going on!!??!! Everyone started screaming as the walls kept crumbling down.

"Everyone leave we have to get out of here!!" Yelled Kate pushing everyone out the door. Right as me and James were about to exit, a strong wind was pulling us into the hole. It was too strong to resist.

"JAMES!! RILEY!!" Everyone yelled.


"No!! Save yourselves!! It's too late they're already gone!!" Kate yelled.

"AHHHHHHHH" I screamed as me and James fell down the hole. Scratches and scrapes went through my body as rock kept hitting me while I was falling down. Suddenly all I could see is black.

Michelle's POV

"Look! The hole is closing!" I yelled. All the walls came back to its place and it looked like nothing happened at all.

"That was weird" said Chloe.

"Guys! Did you even see Riley and James fall down the hole!? We have to do something!!" I yelled.

"Michelle I know you care for them but there's nothing we can do" Kate said sadly. How could she be so careless!!?? I noticed Emily was dialing a number on her phone.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking at her phone.

"Calling the police,duh! Someone has to try and save my sister!"

"You're right we should call them." I replied as the phone started ringing.

"Hello, I'd like to report a mysterious and giant hole spotted and 2 people that fell into it"

She hung up. "They're on their way" she said.

I can't believe what just happened. Whatever it was, we need to get Riley and James back. There's still one thing on my mind...why did the hole only 'take' them?


Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! Sorry its a little long i just wanted to include all my ideas! The story will get better trust me! I'm trying to get 50 reads so please help me do that by following me and telling your friends about my story! I will update possibly later today or tomarrow. Thanks everybody! Bye! :) :)

From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction) ~Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now