Chapter 11: Back To Normal

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James POV

I rushed into the room right when I heard the doctor say Riley was awake.

"Riles your ok!" I sat next to her and smiled.

"Yeah I'm fine" she said quietly.

"I'm so glad your ok, I thought I almost lost you"

She smiled "thanks, I'll be out by tomorrow"

"Alright, get some sleep though, I can tell your tired."

"Ok, bye James, cya tomorrow" she smiled.

"Bye Riley" I said while leaving the room.

Riley's POV

The next day........

I woke up to the sound of knocking. I looked up and saw the doctor knocking on the door.

"Come in!" I yelled.

"Hello Miley"

"It's RILEY"

"Oh, right, my bad" he walked over to me.

"I came to tell you that it's time for you to go back to your house and daily routines."

"Ok, thanks" I said getting off of the bed and walking out of the the hospital.

I decided to go back to the studio and rehearse with everyone because it was 10:00 and rehearsal is up till noon. Since I didn't have my car, I took a cab.

"123 Collinal Road please" I told the taxi driver and got inside the car.

Once I arrived at the studio I opened the door and everyone turned to me.

"Riley your back!" A couple people yelled.

"Yeah I got out of the hospital so I thought I'd come here and rehearse with you guys"

"Great! Lets continue rehearsing, Riley you can go to your spot" Michelle directed. As I got to my spot, James gave me a quick but warm smile and we started the dance. I was so happy the whole time of rehearsing. Now everything is back to normal...I hope.


Hey guys! I'm so sorry this was so short it's just sort of a "filler chapter". Anyways, don't worry I will post chapter 12 soon. Thanks for reading, plz comment and vote. Bye! <3 <3

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