Chapter 13: Come Back...I Need You

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Riley's POV

"M-m-missing? What??" My eyes widened.

"Yeah, missing."

I stood there, in shock, I could barley breath.

"Where are you??!"

"The studio" I immediately hung up the phone. I threw the heels off of my feet and put on my sneakers. I quickly drove to the studio.

Once I got there I saw Michelle, West, and Chloe talking to a few police men. I quickly ran up to them.

"Michelle can I talk to you?"

"Sure" we walked over to the cubbies.

"What happened to James?? Tell me everything!"

"Ok, well, it all started when we were at the studio. Me, Chloe, James, and West were doing some extra rehearsing in Studio A for a bit. One time when we were in the middle of rehearsing, I turned and saw James disappear literally out of thin air. It's like something sucked him away. While he disppeared I saw his eyes widen, fear on his face, and then he was gone, he disappeared in one second.

I stood there shocked. How did he just disappear out of thin air?? I know he didn't do it himself, something pulled him away and made him disappear. I have to find out how this happened, and get James back.

"Riley? You ok?" Michelle said while patting my shoulder.

"Yeah I'm fine" I tried to hold it in but I let the tears fall down my face.

"I have to go" I ran out of the studio and drove back to my house. Once I got there, Emily noticed me crying and came up to me as I took off my shoes.

"Hey Riley, what's wrong? Are you crying??"

"It's nothing, just leave me alone please I want to be alone!!" I started to walk up to my room, but I felt bad for snapping at Emily. I turned back before she left.

"Emily wait"


"I'm sorry, I just... James is missing! And I don't know what to do, I need some alone time"

"I get it Riley, sometimes people just need time to their self." I could see by the look on her face she understood what I was going through,

"Thanks" I ran up to my room and sat on my desk. I looked at the picture of James and I together at my 16th birthday party...he got me a diamond necklace, and I was so happy. We took a picture tougher and I saved it forever. Just looking at it made tears stream down my face. It made me think about when we first met....

****FLASHBACK**** (Riley's POV)

Today is the first day of B-Troupe. It's my first year auditioning since I just got out of J-Troupe. I'm about to see who signed up for B-Troupe this year.

(A/N, Emily and Stephanie aren't on the list because they're already in A-Troupe since they're older than Riley. Also Michelle isn't there because she's new to A-Troupe so she didn't go through B-Troupe or J-Troupe)

List of people in B-Troupe:











Yes! I made it into B-Troupe! I'm so happy because after B-Troupe, it will be time for A-Troupe!!

I walked into Studio A so I can drop off some school books she left in studio B until some guy bumps into me and I drop all of my books!

"Ugh why did you do that??" I said while picking up my books.

"I'm so sorry it was accident" he said while kneeling down to help me pick up the books. I looked up at him and all I thought's cute! We looked into each others eyes for second and then I finally spoke up.

"Oh, um, I mean.. It's ok, it was an accident" I smiled nervously. He couldn't take his eyes off me once he saw me.

"Ya, um, sorry again" he smiled. Our hands touched when he gave me my books back and I felt a spark go through my body.

"I'm Riley"

"I know, we went to J-Troupe together. I'm James"

"Oh ya, James! Sorry I forgot about you, I didn't really pay attention to the other kids in J-Troupe, because I didn't have much friends....." I shrugged.

"Oh, I'm surprised no one would be friends with someone as nice as you"

Then I realized I was blushing like crazy! So embarrassing!! I turned a bit so he wouldn't see, but he noticed. Before he walked away, he stopped and said....

"Oh, by the way, you have a cute blush" he smiled and walked away. I stood there smiling, and I totally forgot about having to give Emily her books. I just thought about James for the rest of the day...and I also realized that he was in B-Troupe with me! So I could see him again....


The thought of James made me cry more.. Just thinking of him something I can't even imagine. It's my worst nightmare. At first, I didn't even know James. I thought he was just another one of those guys that tries to flirt with me then gives up after a few days, but James is completely different. Maybe all this time I just underestimated him...why else would I be thinking about him this much?

Michelle's POV

I keep calling Riley but she won't pick up. I'm just going to try one last time....



"Riley!! Finally you picked up!"

"What is it?"

"I just wanted to make sure your ok. You know, about the James thing."

"I'm fine Michelle I just want time alone!"

"I understand, bye Riley"

"Thanks, bye" she hung up the phone.

I know what Riley's going through, she just needs time to think. I know she's really hurting right now.

Special: James' POV

"Ughhhhh" I say to myself feeling the hard ground under me. My head hurts, my body is soar, and I'm covered in dirt. I wipe the dirt off of me and get up. I look around and see a forest with trees and leaves all over the floor. Wait.... Am I just dreaming or.... am I in the world me and Riley were stuck in??

From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction) ~Book 1~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ