Chapter 10: Hospital

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James' POV

"RILEY!!" I jumped down to her side and suddenly the wind stopped. I looked up and saw the portal was gone. "No..." I whispered to myself.

"Riley! Riley!!" I said while shaking her, but she never woke up. There's no use. Now that the portal is closed, we're both going to die.

Michelle's POV

I paced back and forth and looked at my watch. Where are they?? It's almost 8:10! They should have been back by now. They must have not gone through the portal on time, and I have to find a way to open the portal again.

I walked into Kate's office hoping she wasen't there, but she was.

"Hi miss Kate, can I ask you something?"

"Michelle, if this is about Emily, I already have an answer. If you want her to quit bothering you, you have to be as nice as you can to her and try to apologize for whatever she thinks you did. Once you do all that, this feud between you guys will start to end. Friendship is the key to teamwork, that's why we all have to work together to make sure we're all friends and we're a team."

"Actually, I was just going to ask if I could use your laptop for a second."

"Oh. It's on the bench over there" she pointed.

"Thanks" I walked out of the office, sat on the bench, and turned on the laptop. I went to the website that had information on the portal.

"Let's see, a way to open the portal again...a way to open the portal again..." I said desperately to myself while scrolling down and reading. After awhile I finally found it. This is what it said: 'To open the portal once more, you must send in someone or something that is willing to stay there forever. Once you send something in, the portal opens again for one minute until it is closed forever.'

"So there is a way..I just have to send a random thing in the portal and it will open again!" I smiled. I thought for a second and decided just to send in a rose I picked from my garden this morning. I closed my eyes, "I wish this rose was where Riley and James were" I whispered to myself.  The next thing I know it disappeared out of thin air. Now I just have to wait and see if Riley and James come back.

James' POV

I was sitting next to Riley until I looked up and the portal was back. A tiny rose come out of it too....weird. The portal wasen't as powerful this time. No wind, no lightening. I scooped Riley up and single handedly started climbing up the rock wall.

Once i got to the top, I jumped into the portal and landed on a yellow hardwood floor. I looked up and we were in the studio. I also saw Michelle with a smile on her face when she saw us.

"James, Riley, your back!!" She beamed. I gently set Riley down on the floor. Once Michelle saw her, her eyes widened.

"What happened to Riley!?"

"She got struck by lightening"

"We need to get her to the hospital!"

"And fast" I said while scooping her up in my arms while Michelle called the ambulance. 

Once they arrived, Michelle stayed at the studio telling everyone what happened while I stayed with Riley on the way to the hospital. I held her hand the whole way there hoping she wasen't dead. Once we arrived at the hospital and the doctors finished doing an operation on her, I went in to see her but she still wasen't awake. I sat on a chair beside her, gripped her hand tightly, and stared at her hoping she would wake up soon. I can't loose her, I just can't.

Michelle's POV

"So now Riley's in the hospital" I finished explaining to the troupe.

"I hope she's ok" said Chloe. 

I could see Emily rubbing her arm nervously. I could tell she was worried about Riley.

"Well 2 of us are allowed to see Riley" I suggested.

"I'll go!" Emily yelled.

"Me too" said Chloe. They rushed out of the studio.

"Ok in the mean time, let's rehearse everybody" I said clapping my hands together.

Emily's POV

Once me and Chloe arrived at the hospital we stormed into the room Riley was in only to see James sitting there ans holding her hand.

"It's our turn to see her, leave James!!" I yelled. Why does James have to be everywhere Riley goes?! She's MY sister, I should have seen her before James. And I don't want her falling for a player like James.

"Ok ok" he said as he walked out to the hallway. Me and Chloe stayed with Riley for about 30 minutes until it was time for us to head back to the studio. But James wanted to stay with her all night.

James' POV

It's about 1:00 a.m right now and I'm still with Riley. By 1:30, I basically fell asleep on a chair next to her. Night passed to fast as soon as I heard...

"Excuse me, could you please leave the room? We need to do another operation on her" said the doctor.

"Alright" I replied. I quickly kissed Riley's forehead and left. I decided to stay at the office until the finished the operation. I called my mom to tell her where I was, and I also called Kate to tell her I couldn't make it today. I slept on a chair in the hallway for about an hour until the doctor came outside and said...

"Riley's awake"


Hey guys! I hope you liked the chapter, I left it at a cliffhanger! Chapter 11 is coming soon! So please give your opinion on this chapter in the comments! Thanks, bye guys! :D

From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction) ~Book 1~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora