Chapter 17: Trapped

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Riley's POV

"Riles, I have a question" James said while slowly pulling away but at the same time holding on to me.


"How are we going to get out of here?"

"Well that's what I wanted to tell you! Maybe if we just get the venom out of you...well...both of us now, then we could no longer be attached to this world!" I said excitedly.

" in the world are you going to do that?"

As soon as I heard those words, it hit me. How DO we get the venom out? I didn't think about this before. My smile faded away.

"You-your right. We can't. There is no way to get the venom out. I guess I didn't think about this before...." I looked down and 1000 thoughts ran through my mind. But I couldn't think of anything. There isn't a way. We're gonna be stuck here....for a really long time.

James rested his hand on my shoulder. Tears started to roll down my face as I thought more of how we're going to be stuck. I looked up at James and he brought me into a hug.

"Riles, you shouldn't have came here. I don't want you to be stuck here again. I want you to be safe at home" he whispered.

"No, I wanted to see you. I missed you James, and I can't be away from you. And I think I'm safer with you than at home..." I said as I hugged him tighter.

"C'mon Riles, lets to back to 'our spot'" he laughed quietly. I smiled at him and leaned on his shoulder as we walked to our spot. Once we got there, James made a fire because it was getting dark and I sat down while played around with my phone.

"Hey, by the way, thanks for ditching me on what was supposed to be our first date" I giggled.

"Sorry I was a little busy being stuck here" he laughed and sat beside me.

"But seriously Riles, I was really looking forward to that date. I'm so sorry we couldn't do it. I didn't want to be here in the first place. that your here, I could stay here as long as you want."

"James, it's not your fault! We can always do another date" I said. He smiled and gently kissed my forehead. I rested my head on his shoulder for a bit and I couldn't help but fall asleep....

The next day.....

I woke up to something poking my arm. I looked up saw it was James. Obviously. I flicked off his finger and wiped the dirt off of my shorts. I got up and looked around in my bag.

"Soo, what's the plan today?" I questioned with a small grin.

"I was thinking just looking around and walking. We might as well explore while we're here" he answered. We were kinda quiet for a bit, until we both got up and laced our hands together. We walked a bit through the forest, looking around, making sure there were no creepy animals or weird earthquakes.

"Hey look over there! Another cave, like the one with the dinosaur, except with no dinosaur" I giggled while pulling him over to the cave. I just wanna make sure there's nothing we need there. You never know, there could be something.

"There's nothing here..." He started. I walked around the cave for a bit. The walls looked really weird though, almost like concrete. I tapped the wall once....and heard a crumbling noise. Oh no, this CANNOT be good.

I turned to James and saw his eyes widen as rocks started to fall from the ceiling. The pieces got bigger and bigger. This cave is about to collapse!

"RUN!!" James yelled while tugging my arm. As we were running out of the cave, James was out already but his hand was still gripped on to mine. Right when he was about to pull me out, a giant rock landed in the middle of our connected hands, making me accidentally let go. I fell to the ground as more rocks fell. I heard James yell my name but I couldn't see him anymore because there were giant rocks pilled up covering the entire entrance. I tried pushing them away but they wouldn't move a bit. I heard James yell my name over and over again but his voice was so faded, I couldn't reply. I was trapped in the cave.


A/N so so so sorry I didn't make this a special 2 pages like I promised!! This was just a filler chapter so hopefully the next one will be 2 pages! Anyways, thanks for readin! :)

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