From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction)

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Chapter 1 ( Riley's POV )

Another regular day in the next step studio, but now that Michelle is dance captain, we can actually have fun, REAL fun.

"Five six seven eight" Michelle yells as we start to rehearse. We do the routine, step, turn twice, grab hand, jump, land, turn twice, head back, you know what i mean. After the routine is over we have a 20 minute break. I walked up to Chloe and Michelle who are at their cubbies.

"Hey Chloe, hey Michelle, wanna go to squeezed?" I asked.

"Sure" they both replied.

"Chloe! Get over here RIGHT NOW, we need to talk!!" Yelled Emily from across the room

"Oh great another E-girl conference. They're probably going to yell at me for joining your routine" Chloe said facing Michelle. "I better go now, sorry guys, bye!"

"Well i guess its just you and me Michelle" I said


"Michelle can you come over here and help me with my work?" Kate said coming from the office.

"Ok one second!" Michelle yelled back.

"Sorry Riley, maybe next time!"

"Its ok Michelle"

She slightly grinned and walked to Kate's office. Well i guess I'm going to squeezed alone.

"Yo Riles" James immediately pops up behind me. Did he just listen to my entire conversation??

"What is it James" sometimes he can really annoying.

"I heard you need someone to go to squeezed with

"Right so you were just listening to my entire conversation" Typical James always getting into peoples business.

"Anyways, I'll come with you"

I thought for a second "Fine"

We walked into squeezed, sat down, and ordered our juices. "So did you watch that episode of The Elephant Princess last night?" James asked.

"Yeah the one were all the walls started collapsing and one the other side was another dimension?"

"Yeah that one"

"Imagine if that really happened" I giggled.

"Ya right" he laughed.

Suddenly i felt a small wind fly towards me. "Did you feel that?" I asked. "Yeah, weird" he replied.

We walked back to the studio and everyone was stretching. So we did that too. Me and James stood near the bars and talked for a minute. "So how was your final math test"

" was great I killed it"

"Really?" I said with a smile.

"Yeah I killed it!" He said, but he turned his eyes in another direction. I looked at him for awhile.



"No your lying to me, you didn't 'kill it', you failed the test didn't you?" My smile faded away.


"Can you please just be straight with me?? Yes or no did you pass the test?"


"What!? What does this mean?"

"Umm.. I'm getting pulled from the studio"

I rubbed my eyes and looked at him. If James left, I would be pretty upset I mean we've gotten really close lately and.. I need him.

"5+6=11. That's math right there, that means I'll pass the next one" he said as he slowly walked away. It's like he was slipping away from me at that very moment.

After rehearsal I was standing at my cubbie until James approached me. "Hey riles I was wondering if you wanna come over to my place and we could swim in the pool" James asked. "Sure but let me get my swimsuit from my house first then I'll come over "Ok meet me at my house in 20 minutes" "K cya." We both went outside and started driving our cars. I drove in my house direction, he drove in his direction.

Once I got to my house I parked my car and ran inside. Of coarse nobody was home because my parents are at work and Emily is sleeping over at her friends house. I ran upstairs to my room and took my metallic purple bikini from and closet. I put in on and on top of it put on a white half sleeve loose shirt that has a heart on it along with a pair of pink shorts. I grabbed my bag, took a cheese string from the fridge and ran out the door. I started my car and drove to James' house. This is going to be a fun night.


Hey guys!! Sorry this story is a little rusty but trust me there is way more juiciness coming up!! It's going to be very surprising!! After riley goes to james house, it ill get really good! i hope, LOL! Please follow me!! I will update soon probably tomorrow or the day after if I'm not busy. Anyways thanks for reading plz comment on my story giving your opinion thanks bye !!

From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction) ~Book 1~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant