Chapter 20: Explantions (part 2)

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Riley's POV

I Sat on James' bed with his blue and black plaid blanket wrapped around me.


More awkward silence. Better start talking......

"Is it over?" I ask, breaking the silence.

"What's over?" He replied.



"No, this! The completely psycho stuff that's been happening!" I yelled...quietly....

"It's over, Riley." He took my hand into his, "We're done with this weird dimension stuff."

" we have to talk about it?"

"Not unless you want to."

"I don't"

"Good, me neither" he smiled.

With that being said, James pulled me into a kiss, and it went on from there.....

I felt happiness...




"Wait" I interuppted, pulling away.

"As much as I want to do this.... we have to talk about it"

He sighed. "Alright"

I gave a small grin just to reassure him.

"Have you told your parents about it?" I asked.

He took a moment to reply. "Yeah's the thing, I kinda haven't told them that we were in another dimension with dinsosaurs that almost killed me and sworms of killer bees that make you go crazy after one sting, you know, just because I don't want them to think I'm a total psycho."

"Good point." I sighed. "You know we have to tell them eventually, right?"

"I know, I just want it to be suddle, and sound logical"

"C'mon, I'm sure your parents would understnad. I mean, your mom is super nice and will help you through anything, and your dad-" I paused for a second. "I've never actually met your dad....where is he?" 

I looked into James' eyes. He looked something came up in his mind that immediately changed his mood. I feel bad for even bringing it up.

"My parents divorced when I was 10. He became a drug addict.  I would visit him time to time, and I still do, but he's not the same. He's not important anyways." he explained. 

"Oh.." I let out. I felt horrible, but we had to keep talking about it if we were going to firgure out what's going on with all of what's been happening.

"I'm sorry for bringing it up" 

"No, it's ok, it's not important. Right now we have to focus on the portal"

I nodded. We continued to do a bit of research on supernatural occurances, hoping to find something that related to our case.

Soon it got late and I was getting super tired. We still had a lot of work to do, but it was nothing that couldn't be done in the morning.  

James and I watched The Hungar Games: Mockingjay, until 2 a.m when I fell asleep on his lap. He eventually fell asleep as well, so we just decided to sleep there for the rest of the night.

James's POV (dream)

From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction) ~Book 1~Where stories live. Discover now