Chapter 4: The Chase ( Rileys POV )

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Everything is blank. I feel pain in my body. Mixed feelings. Something weird is going on, I just don't know what.

"Uhhhh" I get up from the leafy and dirty ground and rub my eyes. I look around and all I see are tall trees and leaves all over the ground, wait, this isn't the next step studio, where am I?

I saw James lying on the ground a few metres away from me and I immediately ran over to him.

"James" I said shaking his body. He started to open his eyes.

"What? Riley?" He looked around. "Where are we?"

"I don't know" we both stood up and wiped the dust off of our clothes.

"Where's the next step? Where's A-Troupe? Why are we in a forest?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but we have to find a way out"

"Alright but it doesn't matter because this is all just a dream, right?"

He shrugged. "I hope so"

We walked around the forest for awhile hoping to find a house or shelter or a person or SOMETHING. I hate walking through forests. I kept stepping on sticks and leaves and jumping over puddles. James was going to lead us since apparently he's 'good at exploring'.

"Yo Riles look!" He said pointing to a giant waterfall.

"Wow i wonder if there's anything in there" I said running to the waterfall.

"Riles wait for me!"

I didn't exactly hear what James said I just heard a voice. I kept running until I finally got to the waterfall. I looked at it for awhile, but as soon as I called James, I looked around and I couldn't find him. Oh no, don't tell me I lost him!

"James?" I say but I know he won't hear it so I try yelling "JAMES", but he's no where to be found. UGH why did I leave him, we're supposed to stay together!

James' POV

"Riley? RILEY?"

Me and Riley were coming near a waterfall until next thing I know she's running towards it faster than me and I loose her. I have to find her so I start running to the waterfall.

"RILES where are you??"

Riley's POV

I search around the waterfall mountain to look for James. Suddenly I hear a voice say "Riley".

"James?" I say turning around. But James isn't behind me. It's something way worse.

My eyes widen and I gasp. Inside the mountain was what looked like a giant dinosaur!! I have to get out of here!!

I look around and see James coming towards me.

"Riles there you are I thought I lost you" he said going in front of the dinosaur not noticing it was there.

"Ummm..James" I said stepping back more and more.

"What? Whats wrong?!"


He turned accidentally stepping on the dinosaurs claw. His eyes widened and he ran back closer to me.

The dinosaur opened its eyes, got up, and roared loud enough to blow a strong wind in my face. He was so tall he smashed the mountain causing the waterfall to flood. The water started flowing towards us and so did the dinosaur.

"RUN!!" James yelled. We ran as fast as we could and the dinosaur kept chasing us, knocking down trees that almost hit us. It was HORRIFYING!! Suddenly my shoe got stuck in the mud, I kept pulling and pulling but it was really stuck.

"James help!!" He quickly ran over to me and tried to pull my foot out of the mud. The dinosaur came closer and closer.

"Hurry!!" I yelled. The dinosaur was now right in front of us. James finally got my foot out of the mud and pushed me out of the way, but there wasen't enough time for James to move out of the way too. The dinosaur scratched his chest leaving 3 bloody scratch marks. He threw him to the side and ran away.

"JAMES!!" I yelled running to him.

"Riles" he said softly standing up and taking my hands.

"Thanks for saving me" I said bringing him into a hug.


I didn't notice the scratches on his chest. I gasped looking at him in pain. He took off his bloody shirt and threw it on the ground, "I think I need to sit down" he said taking a seat near a rock. I sat down beside him.

"Thanks again" I said. I leaned in and kissed......his cheek.

"No problem Riles, you know I'd do anything for you"

I laid my head on his shoulder and the next thing I know I fell asleep.........

To be continued...


Hey guys! I hope you liked this chapter xD I will update soon, probably tomorrow morning so stay tuned! My goal is to to get 50 reads and 10 votes..anyways, Thanks for reading! Bye!\ :) :)

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