Chapter 9: It's All Over, Or Is It....?

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(Michelle's POV)

"Wow Michelle, that really happened?" Eldon said as I told him what happened when I was with Riley and James.

"Yeah it was crazy"

"At least now you know their ok"

"They might not be, what if they don't make it through the portal??" I snapped at him. Now I feel like a jerk. After that he didn't say a word. He just stirred his juice.

"I'll cya later Michelle" he said leaving with his juice. I watched him leave and I felt really guilty.


(Riley's POV)

"James, wake up!! It's 7:50!!!" I yelled shaking James to wake up.

"What?? 7:50?? We have to go!" He said getting up off the ground and packing his stuff.

"Hurry!" I said grabbing my stuff.

Once we got all of our stuff we started running into the forest. By the time we got there it was 7:59.

I looked at my watch and counted down, "Five, four, three, two, one!!"

As soon as my watch struck 8, a strong wind blew past me and giant strikes of lightening struck in the sky. I grabbed James' hand.

"C'mon, let's start climbing!" I said pointing to the portal above the rock wall. I put on my backpack / dance bag and we started climbing up the wall. It was really hard, it was slippery, the wind was so strong, and pieces of rock kept falling down on me. We kept climbing and climbing as time passed by. At one point, when I grabbed a rock to climb on, it broke and I almost fell. Only one of my hands was gripped on to the wall.

"James help!!" I said trying to grip on the the wall again. Right when I was about to let me, James caught be and brought me back on to the wall.


"No need to thank me" he yelled so I could hear his voice above the loud wind pressure. We kept on climbing and we were almost there. My watch was only at 15 seconds left, and the higher we got, the more wind there was and more tougher it was to climb up. But as soon as we got to the portal, a struck of lightening hit my face and I fell all the way to the bottom of the rock wall hitting my head on the rough ground. The last thing I remember was hearing someone yell Riley and then I blacked out.


Hey guys! Im so sorry i took forever to update! And im sorry this chapter is short i know i promised it would be long but this time i promise the next one will be really long! Thanks for reading, plz comment, bye! :D

From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction) ~Book 1~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz