Chapter 6: If They're Ok (James' POV)

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Right when I fell in the lake I got up and looked for Riley.

"Riles?" I looked down and saw Riley almost drowning in the lake. I dove under the water, grabbed her and brought her back up.


Back at the studio...... (Michelle's POV)

After the police investigated, they had no idea what happened buy they said they will get into the case. In the mean time, we have to continue to do our normal rehearsals at the studio. I just hope Riley and James are ok...I'm really curious to see if they're dead or alive, or what they're doing right now. But as dance captain, I need to act like a professional and suck it up.

"Ok everyone let's start rehearsal"

During the rehearsal Emily and Stephanie kept messing up and I obviously knew why. Once I got tired of it, I sent them in to have a talk with Kate 

After rehearsal....

I sat at squeezed mixing my juice with my straw and I put on my sad face.

"Hey Michelle" Eldon sat beside me.

"Oh hey Eldon"

"Why so glum?"

"Oh no reason I'm just hoping Riley and James are ok that's all"

"Don't worry I'm sure they're ok" he gave me a warm smile.

I think it was nice of Eldon to try and cheer me up. I mean...he's kinda cute, but Emily is all over him so I shouldn't even try to get near him or else she will kill me. Plus I have other things on my mind other than Eldon and Emily.


Riley's POV

I started breathing heavily as James brought me back up. I wrapped my arms around his neck holding on to him.

"Riles you ok?"

"Yeah I'm fine thanks"

"Don't even worry about it" I look up and see the stars in the sky.

"Woah, how is it night already??"

"I don't know" he laughed.

We both got out of the lake and walked back to our main spot were we left our stuff.

"Hey I think I have a towel in my bag from when I came to your house"

I took the towel out of the bag, wrapped it around myself and sat down. James sat beside me.

"I know how to make a fire"

"Oh really let's see"

He clapped two rocks together for awhile, set up some sticks until finally he made a fire.

"Wow I'm impressed"

"Why thank you" he laughed.

We sat there in silence for awhile staring at the fire.

"Do you think we will find a way back?"

"Of course"

"How do you know"

"Because I have a good feeling, don't even worry about it"

I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Get some sleep, we have a lot to do in the morning"

"Alright, good night James"

"Night Riles, and remember, whatever happens, we'll do it together"


Hey guys! how was the chapter? I hope you liked it! I'm so bored today i might even post chapter 7 later! But I won't be online from 3:00 to 12:00 , so if I do post chapter 7 it will be in the afternoon! Thank so much for reading! Bye! oh ya and if you have any idea requests feel free to comment!! bye now! :D <3

From Dance To A Different Dimension (The next step/jiley fanfiction) ~Book 1~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora