Telling and overhearing

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Joy, Sadness, Anger, and Fear were still waiting. Shyness was still in Meh's room. She had been there for a hour! "Oh, no! What if the leopards made Shy into a true leopard?!" Asked Fear. "Well, if they did, we're prepered." Said Anger, holding a knife in his hand. "NO ANGER STOP! WE ARE NOT STABBING THE LEOPARDS!!! SURE, MEH, DISGUST, AND JEALOUSY TRICKED ME INTO PRESSING A BUTTON THAT SHOWED SCARY IMAGES, BUT I AIN'T NO KILLER!" Said Fear. Just the Shyness walked in. "There you are! What took so long?" Asked Anger. "Forget that. We just wanted to tell you...if your a true leopard, problems would occur. Nobody would like you." Said Joy. "Without you, who else would protect Riley from strangers?" Asked Sadness. "Riley would turn into a mean person. Said Anger. "All because you turned into a true leopard." Said Fear. "Um, guys, I didn't turn into a true leopard. I was in there for so long because Disgust and Jealousy wanted to design like Meh. I didn't want to design, but Meh forced me too. She wanted all the leopards to be like her. So I had to spend an hour designing and making. And I got poked by the sewing needle. Seriously, designing and singing is not for me." Said Shyness. "Phew, your still good Shyness." Said Fear. "Yeah, we were worried!" Said Joy. "Yeah, being a leopard is kinda hard. You pull pranks, be mean to everyone, and do stuff that you don't really want to do. I was considering quitting. I was a leopard for 12 years." Said Shyness. "So when are you going to quit?" Asked Sadness. "I don't know. Maybe now or tomorrow." "Yeah, Anger wanted to attack you, Meh, Disgust, and Jealousy if you became a true leopard." Said Fear. "He stopped me." Said Anger. "But I will attack you if you become like Meh and her stupid pathetic freinds. Stab, stab, stabitty stab. Stabby stabby stabby stab." "Okay, Anger. You should stop now." Said Joy. "Yeah, that would be bad if I became a true leopard. So what now?" Asked Shyness. "We could go to the smoothie place." Said Sadness. "Okay!" Said Joy as she, Sadness, Anger, Fear, and Shyness walked out. But the leopards were watching. "Shyness is gonna quit? Well, let's see about that...." Said Meh. "Hey Joy. You can't take Shyness with you. We're going to have a sleep over in Meh's room, and since she's a leopard, she need to be with us." Said Disgust. "Who says Shyness wants to join you?" Asked Joy. "I DO!" Said Meh. "No, Shyness does!" Said Sadness. "BATTLE!" Said Jealousy. And they had a food fight. Jealousy threw a plate of mashed potatoes at Sadness, causing her to cry. Disgust threw a pie at Anger, making him explode. Fear got scared that he was going to be covered in food, so he ran away. "Stop!" Yelled Shyness, and threw meat. And it landed right smack on Meh! "Oh my gosh, Meh, I'm sorry..I..." "SHYNESS!!!!! YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS BITCH!" Meh yelled as she threw paint at Shyness. Paint spilled all over her. Joy, Sadness, Anger, and Fear gasped. Shyness just stood there. Then she cried her eyes out and ran upstairs and slammed her door. "Your cleaning that up!" Said the leopards as they ran upstairs. "Should we clean up, or should we go to the smoothie place?" Asked Joy. "Well, Riley's gonna fall asleep any minute, so..." Said Fear. "Aww, I don't feel like doing dream duty..." Joy whined. "Yeah, go to bed, Riley's gonna be fine." Said Sadness as she walked upstairs, along with Joy, Anger, and Fear.

The leopards P.O.V
"So, what about Shyness?" Asked Disgust as she and Jealousy flopped down on Meh's bed. "We should go get her." Said Meh as she and the other leopards walked into Shyness's room. But Shyness was asleep. And she must have taken a shower, because the paint was off. "Um, let's just have the sleep over without her..." Said Jealousy. And they did, thinking it was time to tell Meh their thing, like Joy and the other emotions did to her.

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