Chapter 5

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A week passes by and I really haven't talked to Alyssa.

I really messed up. All week long she has been with Aj totally ignoring me and its driving me crazy. I need to talk to her and quick. Aj is planning on asking her soon, so should I tell her how I feel?

The last bell rang for the school day and I headed off to the gym alone, like I have been doing all week.

I see Alyssa kiss Aj goodbye. She really looks happy, I shouldn't come between them. She deserves to be happy and if he's doing a good job at that then why would I want to stop him. I can put my feelings aside plus I have Joseph I shouldn't be falling for her anyways.

I ran to Alyssa after she was done with Aj.

"Hey can we talk?" I said very nervously, I hope she can't tell.


We walk into the team room just so we can have so privacy.

"So, I'm really sorry about what happened the other day. Look I just don't want to see you get hurt, I want the best for you and if he's the best for you then I'm happy for you. I just want you to be happy. I honestly don't know what I was thinking that night. I'm sorry." I say kind of quick, but she understood.

"It's okay, I mean I get why you should be nervous about me being with him. To be honest, when he asked me I was a bit scared. I just need you to be there for me through everything. Please."

"Yeah. I always will."

"Thank you."

We hug and everything seems to go back to normal.


I take my phone out of my pocket and its a text from Joseph.

*hey baby can we talk?

I put my phone away, I will answer him later.

"Who was that?" Alyssa asks.

"It was just Joseph."

"What does he want?"

"Not sure, he just wants to talk maybe about what happened the other night."

"What happened?'

Oh that's right I never told her what happened.

"Oh well we had sex."



"You had sex with Joseph?" I asked

I'm for one shocked, but at the same time kind of mad. Like why does she even like that guy, I mean yeah he's a good guy but still. He for one shouldn't be the one to have sex with her. Wait she's a virgin!

"Sam, aren't you a virgin?"

"Not anymore." she said with a giggle.

I laugh too just to play along. I can't believe this how am I suppose to be happy for her. She could do way better I mean look at her. She's gorgeous and just everything about her is amazing. Yet she might never know that I've liked her for 2 years.


Sam's POV

So after my talk with Alyssa we seemed to be back to normal, but she was shocked when I told her about what happened. I mean I love Joseph, so losing my virginity to him was a good thing, right?

After practice I dropped Alyssa off at her house and went to Joseph's. He's been wanting to talk all day, but he says that he wants some privacy.
I ring the doorbell, he answers then motions for me to come in.

I walk in, it had felt very strange though. He seems nervous. I took a seat on the couch and he sat down right after me.

"So hey baby. How are you?" He says

"I'm good. I have to be home by 6:30 though so can we make this talk quick."

Looking at the time it was 6:00 so about 30 minutes to talk.

"Okay so I wanted to talk about what happen the other night. Baby, look. I loved it so much, but I felt like I took advantage of u."

"No, no you didn't I wanted it."

"Yeah but baby you were a virgin and you wanted your first time to be special. So I wanted to make it special for you."

" Well if you want you can make it special right now."

I leaned my head closer to him just to give him a kiss on the cheek. He grabbed my waist and sat me down right on top of him.

"I think it's better that you sit down like this. You look more comfortable." He whispered in my ear.

We start kissing. I wanted him so bad right now. He started to unbutton my pants and then stopped.

"Baby what am I doing? We just talked about this, I don't want to take advantage of you."
He says. Why did he have to kill the moment.

"Just come on baby."

Joseph was kissing me, kissing down my neck as he stripped off my bra and panties. His hands were running over my body slowly, making me burn in need. I pulled off his boxers. I moaned at the sight of him. I pulled him back to me. Kissed him then let out a load moan at the feel of it.

"Babe it's 6:25. You should get going." He said.

"Okay. See you tomorrow." I said putting my clothes back on.

I left. What is wrong with him?

A/N I really wasn't going to post it till like next week but whatever. Hope you guys like it. Please share and vote for my book.

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