Chapter 14

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The week went by quick, we tried to be more involved with Sarah and Blake. We went to the beach and many other places just to get Sarah happy about being home. This was Sarah's last day here and I was honestly going to miss her.

"I will call you like every weekend." Sarah said.

"Okay. I might be with Alyssa most of the time though." I said laughing.

"Your Alyssa going to be stuck with me." Alyssa said smirking.

"I know and I love it." I replied.

"You two are so cute." Sarah said. She gave us a hug and Blake just shook my hand. He was kind of creepy, I barely heard him talk maybe that's why Sarah liked him so much.

She walked away into the plane waving goodbye. She is really trying to change.


So it was Monday again yay, back to school. I met Alyssa at her locker in the morning since she didn't spend the night at my house. I saw Aj walking behind her, not talking to her. I don't even think she knew he was there. He saw me looking at him and walked the other way.

"Hey gorgeous." She said greeting me.

"Hey babe. Did you see Aj this morning?" I said

"No why?"

"Nothing. He was just walking behind you right now."

"Oh weird. Don't worry it's probably nothing."

"Okay. Hurry grab your books."

We had around 70 days until graduation, I was so ready. I was suppose to be getting replies from colleges by now but nothing has come in. Alyssa on the other hand though didn't want to worry about college. She said if she gets in she does if she doesn't who cares. Me though really wanted to get into USC, I needed a life outside my house.

She finished grabbing her books and we began to walk to class. Aj walked up to us and looked at Alyssa.

"Hey. Can we talk?" He asked her.

"Why?" She said.

"I miss you."


She froze.

"Aj can you leave right now." I said to him.

He shook his head saying no.

"Get away!" I said a little loud.

He walked away with his head down.

"Alyssa. What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Um nothing." She replied.

Whatever I didn't ask anymore. Did she miss him? Does she still care about him?


Later once school ended I found Alyssa and began to walk to my car.

"So what happened earlier with Aj?" I asked

"I don't know." She whispered.

"Do you miss him?"

She stayed silent.

"Alyssa. Do you miss him?"

"Yeah. Kind of. I mean I fell hard for him."

"Why are we together when you still care about him?"

"I'll get over it. I love you."

"No you don't cause if you did you wouldn't care about him."

We got in the car and didn't say anything the whole ride home. The radio wasn't even on. I couldn't even think. I couldn't lose her go him, yet she still cared.

We arrived to her house and she got off.

"I'm going to see him tonight." She said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause he wants to talk."

"Where are you guys going to meet?"

"At the school. If you want you can drive me there. It's going to be after his baseball practice."

"Okay I will get you at 6."


It was finally 6 and I was outside of Alyssa's house. She ran outside and jumped in the car, she buckled her seatbelt quick. She leaned over to me and gave me a kiss.

"Let's go!" She said

We took of just talking about random things I didn't want to bother her with the fact that she was going to talk to Aj. When we got to the school she stayed in the car for a bit.

"Alyssa? Are you okay?" I asked softly

"I don't want to see him." She said.

"Then why are we here?"

"He needs to talk to me."

"I know that babe but this is really sketchy. It's night and the baseball field lights aren't even on."

"I'm going to go. Wait here."

She got out of the car and something grabbed her from behind. She screamed. I ran outside chasing after some guy holding her. He ran fast I needed to run faster. I took my shoes off quickly and ran. I finally caught up to them. I tripped the guy and he feel with Alyssa under him. I punched him right in the jaw and heard him make a noise.

"What the fuck?" They said.

"Babe are you okay?" I asked Alyssa picking her up.

"Yeah. Who are you?" Alyssa asked the guy.

"Why the fuck is she always around?" He said standing up. It was Aj.

"Why did you do that?" Alyssa said.

"I love you so come be with me." He said to her.

She started walking away and he grabbed her and slapped her right across the face.

"Get the fuck out of here!" I yelled at him.

"Your what got in between us now I'm going after you." He said to me before walking away.

I picked Alyssa up and walked her to the car. I opened the door for her and she got in.

"Baby. I think we should break up." She said.

Break up?

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