Chapter 11

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Today is the day, we are off to the championship. We head over there on our school bus talking and cheering. Of course I sit next to Alyssa and we talk about our date that's going to happen after the game. It was a Friday so the date was going to be perfect. We were going to this fancy restaurant just like I wanted and it was just going to be her and I.

"Do you think this team is going to be good?" She asked sounding scared.

"Who cares, we can beat them." I replied. I saw a smile form on her face and she moved towards me to hug me. I held her close just to make her loosen up.

We finally arrived at Sierra vista high school. It was so big, as we walked into the gym all of ours mouths opened. They had a beautiful gym and the floors were so clean. Our gym is so crappy compared to this, it was breath taking.

We put our bags down and started to warm up. Alyssa grabbed a ball and we lined up across the court from each other just stretching our arms. As we began to pass all these boys from our school walked in shouting.

"Let's go!!!" They yelled.

They held a poster that said "Go Mulberry high school!"

This game was going to be perfect. The referee blew the whistle to meet with the captains which of course were Alyssa and I. We ran up and shook hands with the other captains. He tossed the coin, we called tails and won the serve. Just as I turned around to continue warming up I saw Aj walking through the door.

"Hey. What's Aj doing here?" I asked Alyssa.

"I don't know." She said sounding so nervous.

"Don't worry about him. Focus on your game."

"Okay babe."

We began to warm up our hitters and serve. Soon as the other team finished there warm up it was time to go on. We pulled up into a quick huddle before going on.

"Let's do this. You girls are truly talented, so show them what you can do." Coach Jen said to us. We then walked onto the court and the game started.


"Hey pass the ball loser!" Aj shouted.

Why was he doing this to her? She's our best passer, she keeps getting irritated with him. She's going to cry I can see it in her eyes.

"Get on your knees. You were always good at that!" He said.

"Time out!" I said. "You need to shut up! We are trying to play here."

"Well I'm sorry but your best friend sucks."

"What's your problem?"

"I can see it in her eyes, she's in love with someone else. But I'm not done with her."

I looked over my shoulder to see all the girls looking at me. I looked right at Alyssa and saw a tear fall from her eye. No no no, baby don't cry.

"You have 30 seconds." The referee told me.

I nodded. "okay so what if she's in love with someone else. Move on you prick!" I told Aj. Then I went up to Alyssa and grabbed her neck pushing her lips against mine. She was stiff at first then I felt her loosen up and he lips began to move with mine. I pulled away slowly to see her smile.

"What the fuck!" Aj yelled.

"Leave! Now!" I said to him.

He stormed out the door, finally we can play.


We caught up to the other team at this point it was the 5th game and it could go either way. We needed one more point to win. They serve, Alyssa passed it perfectly, I set the ball to the outside hitter, she tipped it over the block and it hit the floor. We won!

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