Chapter 15

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"What do you mean break up?" I said.

" I don't want him to hurt you." Alyssa replied.

"But baby. We just got together."

"I know but let me just handle things with Aj before we continue."

"But that doesn't mean we have to break up."

"Please Sam I want the best for us so let's just break up and we see what happens after that. I swear we will end up together."


The whole ride home was quite but of course she still slept over. I can't believe after only a week of being together we were already over. I was falling for her, hard and I don't really fall for anyone. I felt different around her then I have around anyone, but I guess she didn't notice how much I cared.

It was already Friday and the week went by really quick. I had stopped hanging out with Alyssa at school since she had to hang with Aj. I hung out with this girl name Sarah who was my bestie 2 years ago but we just had stopped talking. It was nice to get back to talking to her yet all I found myself talking about was Alyssa.

School has finally ended and I drove home by myself. I miss Alyssa. Not just cause we are best friends but the fact that I had fallen for her yet we couldn't be together.

I got inside my house and laid down on my couch. After about 3 minutes there was a knock on the door. I walked slowly to the door, I was not in the mood to see anyone. I opened it and it was Alyssa.

She pushed me inside my house and closed the door behind her. Her lips smashed into mine allowing a moan to escape from my lips. She kissed me leading me to the couch where I then say down on. She got on top of me and grabbed my neck kissing me forcefully.

She broke the kiss but still say on top of me.

"I've missed you so much," she said out of breath.

"I've missed you too." I responded

"Are you going to the party tonight?"


"No you have to go. I need you there."

"Your going to be with Aj so why should I go."

"Cause I'm going to leave him for you. It's been a week without you and I can't take it anymore."

"Okay. I will go then."


I drove out at 7 heading to a party that was going to be held at Aj's house. Weird right. I got to the street and there was no parking. I park at the beginning of the street and walked to his house. People had already been drunk and pasted out on the floor. I walked in seeing so much smoke and bottles on the floor.

I finally found Alyssa. She seemed lost.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey baby." She said kissing me on the cheek.

"Who you looking for?"

"Aj, I was just with him."


"Yeah. I know I'm sorry. I need to break up with him."

"You guys got back together?"


"I thought you guys were just going to talk not become something again."

"No he told me I had to be with him."

"Yeah but it's still your choice. He's going to hurt you."

"I'm breaking up with him to be with you."

"You shouldn't have gotten back with him in the first place."

"Fuck Sam."

"I'm just going to go."

"Sam no!"

Just as I turned I saw Aj making out with some girl.

"Look Alyssa what did I tell you!"  I yelled. The whole house got quiet.

I began walking outside. Everyone just looked at me.

"Stop!" Aj yelled at me.

"What do you want?" I asked him.

"Why did you come?"

"Cause your girlfriend, that you should be kissing, invited me."

"You know if it wasn't for you Alyssa would still be in love with me."

"Well then I guess I saved her from a big mistake."

Right then he punched me on the side of my face. I fell to the floor. I felt blood on my cheek. He was wearing a ring and it cut me across the face.

"Get up and fight for your girl."

I got up and just stood there.

"Why am I going to fight when you feel that you love her? Do you even know what it's like to be in love? Your with so many girls I don't even think you understand what it's like to know when your in love."

"Don't get all Shakespeare on me."

"I'm just saying. Do you really love her?"

He just stood there.

"Cause hey. Alyssa I'm in love with you!" I yelled looking at her.

"Get the fuck out of here!" He yelled at me. I saw his punch coming from a mile away. I closed my eyes and realize he didn't punch me. I opened my eyes and saw him on the floor.

"Take Alyssa and go." Someone said from behind me. It was Joseph.

"Thank you." I said.

I grabbed Alyssa's hand and ran to my car. She got in and we took off.

"You love me?" She asked softly.

"No." I said. "I'm in love with you."

She smiled and giggled.


We finally got home and to my surprise Alyssa grabbed my hand and we ran upstairs. I threw her on the bed and kissed from her stomach to her neck.

I felt her body shiver and goosebumps form on her stomach. I took her shirt off exposing her body and the same time I felt her fiddling with my belt. She got it off and took my pants off with it. She pulled on my shirt and I pulled it right off. All clothes had to go. I put my hand on her clit and rubbed it just to get her going.

"Stop being a tease." She said in between kisses.

I then pulled her panties off and put my tongue on her clit. My tongue went deep and I began to feel her drip into my mouth. I had my tongue between her legs and my hand on her boob just massaging it. I heard her moan and felt her throw her head back on the bed. Her hand grabbed my hair and pulled on it a little. I stopped licking and went up to her lips and kissed her softly. She then threw me under her making me scream a little.

She pulled my panties off and unhooked my bra in a snap. She started sucking on my nipple which made me moan. Just as she did that she stuck two fingers in me. I grabbed the sheets quick and moaned really loud. She looked up.

"Calm down baby." She said giggling. She then took her hands out and put her head between my legs. She bit my thigh and started licking my clit.


We both laid down on the bed out of breath. She then turned to me.

"Baby, I love you." She said.

"I love you too."

She smiled.

I really loved her.

A/N I haven't posted in a while sorry. Hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for reading.

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