Chapter 12

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"Your sister is coming home?" Alyssa asked.

"Yeah." I said still frozen in shock.

"Babe we have to leave."

"No she said she wants to talk with me."

"But babe what she did to you is unforgivable."

"I know but if I leave she might do it again." I said in tears. I couldn't hold them back anymore I needed to cry.

When I was younger it had just been my sister and I and she thought it would be only fair if she was the boss of the house. That meaning she would have the ability to hit me and push me around. Since she was 10 years older than me she had ultimate power and I couldn't do anything. For the past 10 years though she had gone to college for 5 and been living in rehab for 3 now she's living with her boyfriend. I'm happy she's out of my life but now she's coming back just for a week.

Run. I got to run.

"Sam get back here!" She yelled. I kept running I was 5 houses down from my own. She was able to catch up. She grabbed my arm and walked me inside the house. She threw me to the floor and punched me across the face.

"Now go make breakfast." She said. I was 8 I don't know how to make anything. She was drunk again I could smell it in her breath. I started the stove not knowing what to do so I just stood there with a pan over the fire.

"Why are you just standing? Make something!" She yelled.

"I don't know how to make anything." I whispered.

"What? Say it louder!"

"I don't know how to make anything!" I said looking at her in the eyes, finally standing my ground.

She grabbed the pan from the stove and gripped her hand around it like it was a bat. I took off running and bam everything went black.

I woke up in a hospital bed listening to Sarah talk to the police saying that I feel on stove that was laying on the floor.

"Alyssa we can't leave okay. I will be fine you just have to stay with me. Please?" I said to Alyssa.

"Yeah baby of course." She replied.

We laid down and Alyssa threw her arm around me and pulled me close. I need her here with me, I can't face Sarah alone.

Sarah left on her 18th birthday to go to college and hasn't come back since. She calls my parents but never me, should I be happy that's she's coming back? Maybe she's changed, maybe she's coming to apologize. Why is she coming back?


It was Saturday morning and I woke up next to Alyssa. I checked my phone to see a text from my mom.

Mom: Sarah is back and she's going to land at the airport at 9am. Can you go and pick her up?

I looked at the time to see it was only 8. I texted my mom back agreeing to picking Sarah up and I woke up Alyssa.

"Good morning princess. We have to go pick up Sarah from the airport so get ready." I whispered.

"Ugh why?" She said.

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