Nice People.

208 13 4

^Look at those cuties up there, they're adorable^

Ok, so I would like to start off by thanking all of the people who have read, voted and commented on my stories, you people are awesome!

I would also like to thank every person on here who stands up for others that are getting picked on. You people are very kind and caring for doing that for someone you may not even know, because trust me, some people on the interweb can be jerks.

I sound like I'm accepting an award at the Grammy's... XD

Pete Wentz came on a commercial for the KCA's and I almost choked on the pizza I was eating...I just thought I should get that out there because it was funny. I literally screamed,'HOLY SHIT, IT'S PETE WENTZ!', at least my parents weren't home! XD

Yay, third chapter, so happy!!! Hope you like it!

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