Imagine #Something

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Trigger Warning I guess. Self harm. Idk how to do these. It's 2 in the morning so bare with me.

I sat on the hard tile floor of the bathroom, knees to my chest, the cold metal blade in my hand. I stretched my legs out, trying to decide if I really wanted to break my almost one month record of being clean.

Ryan wasn't supposed to be home from the studio for at least another twenty minutes. 'But I promised him that I wouldn't cut anymore. Fuck it, I don't care. But what if he leaves me? Shit, just do it already before he comes home, you wimp. The worst he'll do is yell. Right?'

I rested my right arm in my lap and brought the blade to my wrist. I don't even know why I still do this to my self. Force of habit? Maybe. Self pity? Most likely. I hated my self for doing this. I felt worthless, like I was feeling sorry for my own mistakes. I'm fucked up in the head, and I told Ryan that. But he never left me for some reason. Said he loved me. Said that he'd never leave me.

I leaned my head back onto the wall and dropped the stupid piece of metal on the ground. It hit the tile with a small 'clang' and I closed my eyes, taking in a deep breath. 'I don't need to cut. Ryan will be home in a few minutes.'

*time skip brought to you by a magical Cranberry*

"Riley. Riley! Wake up!" I was shaken awake by Ryan kneeling down next to me, his messy brown hair covering the left side of his face, like always. I gasped and jumped forward, wrapping my arms around his neck. He sat back, his legs criss cross and pulled me onto his lap. "What's wrong?" he asked. "Nothing. I just missed you."

I felt him tense up and he pushed me away gently. His dark hazel eyes widened, "You didn' didn't," he shook his head slowly, "Did you?" He pulled my right arm away from his neck and looked at it. He gave a sigh of relief, noticing that there weren't any cuts. "Your okay, right? You can talk to me. I don't want you to do this anymore." He said. "I'm fine. I wasn't thinking when I picked it up."

He picked the blade up, both of us standing afterwards. He put it in the inside pocket of his jacket and grabbed my hand. We walked into the living room of our small apartment and I sat on the couch. He shrugged his jacket off and tossed it on a dining room chair.

"Fairy Tail?" he asked, plopping on the couch next to me. I laughed, "Definitely!"

This is short and crappy, I know. But it's a filler until I get the smut chapter done.

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