Not For A Second (Imagine #3)

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"Remember when Frank used to hit on you all the time when we were younger?" Gerard asked.

You both were laying in bed, having previously been married just last night, and remembering all of the good times you had had as kids.

I nodded and grabbed his hand that was resting on my thigh, looking at the wedding band on his finger.

"Remember when we were in middle school?"

"Yeah, when I was the school's punching bag. I'd rather not relive that, Gee..." I trailed off. "I don't mean all of those times, I mean the times that we had fun. Remember when me, you, Frank, Mikey, and Riley used to skip school and hang out at the park, and Mikey and Riley would go make out somewhere?" He said. "Yeah, and we used to make fun of them for being horny teenagers and sucking each other's faces off against a tree." I said, laughing at the memory of our younger siblings who had gotten married before us.

"I can't believe they got married way before us. Especially since she was only 20 when it happened. I didn't think she even wanted to get married until she met Mikey. She always told me that she was never going to get married or fall in love."

"Now look, she's 24 and still happily married to Mikey, and she's not pregnant. And look at us, we're both 28, almost 29, and we just got married!" He said, squeezing my hand gently.

"Why did you wait so long to ask me to marry you?"

"I don't know...I was trying to make sure we were both ready to take the next step in our relationship so we didn't end up regretting it later." He said. "Do you regret marrying me?"

"Not for a second"

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