But Its Better If You Do

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I was on the set of Panic!'s new video, But It's Better If You Do, just hanging around with the guys, doing my part in the video, which was to wear something nice and look hot in the video. Easy enough.

Actually, not so easy. Because of Ryan, my boyfriend. He tended to get jealous easily, and with me in that revealing outfit, it was even worse. When I had walked out onto set after I had changed for the next scene, everyone was staring, including Ryan himself.

I walked over to Ryan and stood next to him, now finding my shoes really interesting. "Hey, you okay?" Ryan asked. "Yeah. I'm fine, I just don't like this dress. It's too short." I responded, looking up to meet his dazzling brown eyes, suddenly finding myself lost in them.

"I agree, but you really look beautiful." He whispered and grabbed my hand, slipping his own into it. I blushed and looked down at my feet again.

"I love you," Ryan said as the director called him over for the next scene. "Love you too, Ry."

We had been dating for about a year and it was him who said 'I love you' first. I was way too shy to really make any first moves, but I knew that our love together was strong.

"Hey, you look really pretty, uh, I didn't quite catch your name though," an extra in the video known as Sam said, interrupting me from my thoughts. "Um, Riley, and, uh, t-thanks." I stuttered. "Well, Riley, do you have a boyfriend?" Sam asked, stepping a little closer than necessary.

"Y-yes, I do."

"Really? Or are you just saying that?" He asked. "No, he's over there." I said, gaining confidence, and pointing to Ryan. "Really, your dating him?" He chuckled and moved to stand in front of me.

I nodded and backed up a little. "Come on baby. Why don't you just ditch him and come with me. I'll show you how a real man treats a pretty little lady like you."

He pushed me against the wall and my anxiety kicked into overdrive. 'What if Ryan thinks I'm cheating on him?' That one thought ran through my mind over and over.

Sam rested his hands on the wall beside my head and attempted to kiss me. "Get away from me!" I yelled.

He backed up and put his hands up in defense. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked towards us.

Ryan, being the sweet, overprotective boyfriend he was, rushed over to me, his guitar slung around his back. "What's wrong?" He asked, grabbing my hand and squeezing gently.

"It's fine. I've got it under control, Ry." I said. I was angry now. This loser tried to kiss me, and he practically insulted Ryan, fucking asshole.

"She tried to kiss me! I told her no, but she wouldn't listen!" Sam said, trying to defend himself. "No I didn't! You tried to kiss me. Learn to take the punishment for your actions, you idiot." I said, walking away from him, Ryan following me closely to his dressing room.

"What happened?" Ryan asked, leaning his guitar against the wall. "He tried to kiss me. That's all, he tried." He nodded. "Ryan...I swear to god, he didn't kiss me! I didn't want him to!"

He suddenly pulled me to him and attached his lips to mine. I leaned into the kiss and wrapped my arms around his neck. His hands went down to my waist and he leaned me back a little bit, deepening the kiss.

We both pulled each other closer and I ran my hands through his slicked back hair, messing it up. His lips trailed to my jaw, leaving small kisses there.

"I've been wanting to do this all day." Ryan whispered. He pushed me back against the wall and started to suck on my neck, for sure leaving marks. "Ryan...I love you." I moaned out, trying to catch my breath. "Love you too..." He trailed off. His hands gently lifted my dress up to my waist and rested on my thighs, "How's this?" He asked before kissing my cheek softly, letting his lips linger there. "S'good." I answered, leaning my head back on the wall.

His hands went to the back of my thighs, "Jump," he whispered. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. "Fuck, your so beautiful." Ryan groaned as I moved my lower body against his own. He kissed my lips gently, moving his hips against mine in time to our heart beats, which had picked up significantly.

I wrapped my arms around his neck again and pulled away when there was a knock at the door. "Hey Riley, Ryan, are you two okay in there?" Brendon called through the door. "Yeah, we're fine! We just need some time to talk!" I answered before Ryan nuzzled his face into my neck and pushed his hips against mine in the perfect spot, making me bite my bottom lip to keep from moaning.

"Kay. Hey Ryan?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah, Brendon?"

"Remember to use protection." Brendon said before walking away from the door, leaving us laughing.

"Do you want to do this here?" Ryan asked after we had stopped laughing. "Um, well, what about the band?" As much as I wanted to carry on with what we were doing, we couldn't. They had to get some more work done on their music video. It was almost finished too.

"We can go home. We got a lot of work done today." Ryan said as he set me down but kept my back pushed against the wall. "You sure?" I asked.

"Absolutely. I'd rather be with you in bed than working here." He said, pulling away from me and winking. His lips turned up into a cute little lopsided grin and I felt my heart skip a beat.

His smiles were the absolute cutest thing ever. "Alright, come on. Let's go home so you can finish what you started." I whispered in his ear.

He nodded quickly before we grabbed our things and headed home to finish off the evening.

I took forever on this one. I don't think any of you care, but whatever. This one was probably one of my better ones, if I do say so myself. Leave any suggestions or requests in the comments. Feedback would be appreciated!!!

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