Hate to Love

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I sighed quietly before taking a sip of my water. Ryan was supposed to be home two hours ago and I was sick of waiting.

He did this every night. He would say that he would be home before dinner to spend time with me, and then he would blow me off to hang out with the band. I got up from the kitchen table and decided to change into something more comfortable than the thin, lacy blue dress I had on.

I walked up the stairs and into our small bedroom feeling particularly bitter as I slipped the dress off and threw it across the room, leaving me in my bra and underwear. The piece of blue fabric ended up stuck on the blinds of the window. I groaned and walked over to it, trying to get it down but only succeeded in cutting my index finger on a small part of sharp plastic.

I yelped and drew back my hand, stumbling sideways towards the dresser. I hit my lower back on the edge of the wooden top and I finally broke down. I fell hard onto my knees, crying both out of pain and frustration. I buried my face into my hands and cried bitterly, mumbling incoherent curse words.

I felt a sharp pain shoot through my back and decided to put some clothes on, only so I could go downstairs and get some ibuprofen. I slowly got up, making sure not to hit any part of my body on the dresser again. I walked over to the closet, small pains shooting through my back, and grabbed my old white sweater and some small sleeping shorts and I managed to put them on without hurting myself again.

I carefully walked down the stairs and walked into the kitchen. I tried to reach onto the top of our tall fridge but groaned when I couldn't reach it because I'm short as hell. Being five feet tall wasn't easy when your boyfriend is almost a foot taller than you, and including alot of my friends. Wishing Ryan was here, but regretting it because I was still kind of mad at him, I attempted to jump for the pill bottle one more time. I couldn't reach it so I opened the fridge to find some chocolate or something sweet. I tried to rummage around in the fridge but the long sleeves of my sweater hung about four inches off of my hands, and they got in the way. I groaned and attempted to slam the door and succeeded, except for the right sleeve of my sweater getting stuck in the door. I made a noise halfway between a groan and a scream and tried to pull my sleeve out. I pulled way harder than I should have and my sleeve both ripped and came unstuck. It was a small hole, no bigger than an inch, but it still angered me.

I went into the living room and laid down on the couch, making sure not to hit my back on any part of the couch. I turned the TV on and went on Netflix. I debated on whether or not to watch The Big Bang Theory or Penny Dreadful. Deciding on The Big Bang Theory, I noticed it was an episode I hadn't seen yet. (I don't know how Netflix works, okay?)

*twenty minutes later*

I looked to the door as Ryan walked through it, "Hey babe. I'm so sorry I'm late! I swear I wasn't planning on it, but Brendon decided that we should work on another song and we lost track of time. I'm so sorry baby," he said, walking over to me. He sat on the edge of the couch next to my legs and I sat up, my legs criss cross. "It's fine Ry," I said, wincing as he pulled me into a tight hug. "Ow...ow, Ryan, let go, please!" I whined. "What happened?"

"I got mad when you were late, and so I threw my dress across the room, and I cut my finger, and then I fell and hit my back on the dresser, and I needed some ibuprofen, and I'm too short to get it, so I looked for some chocolate in the fridge, and I couldn't find any, and my sleeve got caught in the door, and so I tried to pull it out, and it ripped, and my back still hurts really badly, and I just want to cry because my day has been horrible and I hate you for being late for dinner and I missed you so much!"

I jumped forward onto my knees and wrapped my arms around his neck. I cried into his shoulder and he held me gently. He was used to my bitchy mood swings, even when I wasn't on my period and influenced by hormones, and right now, I wasn't. "Hey, it's okay. It's alright! Calm down baby," he put his arms under my thighs and picked me up bridal style. He carried me up the stairs and gently set me on our comfortable bed. He grabbed the plush blanket and pulled it up to my stomach. "I'll be back sweetheart."

I rolled over onto my side and wiped the tears off of my cheeks as more came down onto the white pillow case. Ryan ran back into the room with a glass of water, some chocolate bars, and something in his hand. He set the water and chocolate down and handed me some ibuprofen. "Thanks Ry," I said quietly. "No problem. I owe you for tonight and a lot of this week," he handed me the glass of water, smiling sheepishly, and I swallowed the pills and drank most of the water.

Ryan climbed into bed with me and I cuddled up next to him. "I'm sorry for being late tonight. I won't do it again, okay? This time I mean it."

"Good. I love you, Ryan," I said. "I love you too. Now, get some rest. I know you're in pain, and you need to sleep it off. I'll try to make you as comfortable as I can," he replied.

I snuggled next to his chest and he covered my shoulders with the blanket. I finally fell asleep, comfortable and happy, next to Ryan.

1052 words. Wow, I think that's the most I've ever written. Bye.

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