Teenage Love

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It's Valentine's Day. 9:00 pm.

I groaned as I flopped back into the bed, grabbing my phone from under my pillow.

Me and Ryan haven't been able to see each other for almost a month due to my mother grounding me because she caught us making out. It wasn't like we haven't done that before, trust me, we've done a lot more. (A/N: wink wonk)

I turned on my phone and went to my contacts. Choosing the one labeled 'Ryan💙', I proceeded to text him.

Text conversation:

Me: Hey Ry. I'm bored, text me you little weirdo!

Ryan💙: I would say hi if you hadn't of called me a weirdo...Bye.

Me: No Ryro, come back!!! I love you!

Ryan💙: Fine. I love you too. But wait, how do you have your phone?

Me: I stole it from my mom's nightstand. I know all of my mother's secrets. She hides my phone in the same place every time!

Ryan💙: Wow, is she not going to notice?

Me: Probably not. I don't think she even cares.

Ryan💙: Geez, your parents don't care, do they?

Me: No, no they do not...nobody cares.

Ryan💙: NOooOoo!!! I care baby! I love you so much!

Me: I know. I love you too. Calm down you little weirdo.

Ryan💙: Rude.

Me: Fine. MY little weirdo. Your all mine and I get to keep you forever.

Ryan💙: Kk. Works for me.

Me: Now that that's settled; I miss you! I hate that we aren't even allowed to talk at school because of my stupid older brother.

Ryan💙: It's your fault for jumping me right after we got in your room...

Me: I'm sorry that your so sexy and I love you and your hotness very, very much.

Ryan💙: Thanks babe. Same goes for you. I can never resist you and your witchy powers to get me into bed with you ;) (A/N: wink wonk returns)

Me: Now I know what I'm being for Halloween this year... ;)

Ryan💙: We are not going trick or treating again this year tho. I refuse to.

Me: Fine. I'll just wear a really revealing costume and then we'll go to a party...

Ryan💙: It won't work. Everyone already knows that you're with me. No one will hit on you! Muahaha

Me: Oml Ry. Fine. We won't go trick or treating. And we're not fucking at my house this time either.

Ryan💙: Why not?

Me: I don't want to risk getting caught. My parents will flip the fuck out if they knew their "precious little girl" wasn't a virgin anymore because of you.

Ryan💙: Because of me...pfft, I wasn't the one begging for it honey, you were.

Me: Shut up. Don't make me sneak out for you again. I almost died.

Ryan💙: How did you almost die?

Me: First, I almost fell off of my balcony, second, I almost fell on the stairs of your house, and third, I almost fell off of YOUR bed.

Ryan💙: It's not my fault my bed is so small...I tried to hug you as close to me as possible.

Me: I know, and I love you for that <3

Ryan💙: Besides, your lucky that you're warm because you kept stealing the blanket.

Me: Sorry Ry, at least I was there to keep you warm, but your house is freezing. There could be a ghost in there with you.

Ryan💙: Lol. I want you here though. It's cold in my room. My dad's gone with some whore anyway. I wish you could come over.

Me: I could...My dad's at work and my mom's asleep.

Ryan💙: I don't want you to get caught. Then you'll be gone from me even longer!

Me: Awe, Ry. Don't worry, I won't get caught. Do you want me to come over?

Ryan💙: Please? I miss you lots.

Me: Of course! I'll be there in a few minutes.

Ryan💙: K, love you, be careful, don't die this time... <3

Me: Love you too. And don't worry, I won't!

I put my phone down and walked over to my closet. I grabbed a pair of skinny jeans, and slipped off my sleeping shorts and pulled them on.

Grabbing one of Ryan's hoodies that he had left here, I slipped it on, pulled my blue sneakers on, and put my phone in the front pocket of my jeans.

I opened the doors to my balcony, which I never used, and carefully climbed over the railing. I slid down the slope of the roof and jumped down the small-ish way to the soft grass. I hopped up carefully, making sure that I hadn't hurt any part of my body and dusted my hoodie off.

I jogged over to the sidewalk and proceeded on my way to Ryan's house.

*time skip*

I knocked on the door and it opened a few seconds later. I was pulled in by Ryan and he shut the door behind me. He pulled me into a sweet kiss, the first kiss we had had in a while. It felt good to be back with him.

We both hesitantly pulled away, "Hey, Ry," I whispered into the cool darkness. "You were right, your house is cold..." I said.

"Yeah, I don't even know why. I just want to go up to my room and cuddle," he said. "Me too."

We ran up the stairs and into his room. He jumped onto the bed and I slipped my shoes off before laying next to him, my back facing his chest. "I missed you so much," he groaned. I snuggled back into his warm chest and I remembered how nice it was to cuddle with Ryan. He was always so warm and his skin was so soft. He was like a cuddly blanket in human form.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and we both fell asleep.

*2 hours later*

I woke up with a jerk to my phone ringing loudly in my pocket. I sat up and pulled it out of my pocket.

"Hello? Mom...I'm fine." I rolled my eyes, "I'm fine, Mom. I'm at Ryan's house. He asked me to come over." I sighed, "Mom, it's alright. I'll be back in a little bit, okay?" She hung up and I put my phone back in my hoodie. My mom knew about the situation with Ryan's dad, how he would get drunk and yell, and break things, even hit Ryan himself.

I turned back to look at Ryan and noticed he was still asleep. I smiled and gently stroked his soft hair. I carefully got up and kissed his cheek before tiptoeing down the stairs and leaving.


Text conversation:

Ryan💙: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah, i'm fine. Why?

Ryan💙: You left last night.😞

Me: My mom called and said I needed to come home.

Ryan💙: Did you get in trouble.

Me: Nope. I have to go tho, see you at school. I love you!

Ryan💙: Okay. I love you too.

👉The end!👈

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